Wednesday, July 20, 2005


Hello all, from Artsieladie!
*Early Post*

Art/photo editing by Artsieladie"Royal Puddin'"

Royal Puddin' was an awesome buddy.
Loyal, true and a real quick study.
Though he's gone to a place far and beyond,
He sparkles my memory like a magic wand.

This original photo was taken by my cousin, Robin, of my beloved silver poodle, Royal Sterling Silver, more affectionately known as Royal Puddin'. Even though he lived to be almost 18 years old, it still was far from enough time I had with him. He was MY friend, my dog, and never liked having me out of his sight for an instant. He was a charmer and he learned how to do many tricks. Yours truly created a new background and added a frame and title. ©1981/2005-07. 

I will be doing a redo of this image. This is one of my early digital works when I first began doing digital work.

©1981/2005-07 by Artsieladie, aka Sharon Artsieladie Donnelly

My main website:

My current blogspot blogs: (Features my Art, Poetry, Quotes!) (here) (Features my Poetry!) (Features stuff for creative folks!)

To read more of my poetry and quotes:

Until we meet again:
"May the Love of God always touch and live within your heart!"
Art by Artsieladie