Howdy folks! ♥
I've always applied this to any large task or project, breaking one down into segments, and although it seems to be such a simple minded approach, it puts one in a frame of mind that lessens any dread one may have when faced with a large and daunting task, because instead of dwelling on the huge, whole task, one then focuses on just a part at a time and as each part is completed, one then starts to feel like they're accomplishing something, which in turn is encouraging to keep going until the whole task is completed. ♥
"Tackling Tasks"
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Life’s so much about mountains we must climb,
Particularly those requiring huge chunks of time.
But if we focus only on the mountains, whole,
Impossible it seems then for us to reach our goal.
We can easily get discouraged dwelling on the whole,
Making the end result seem like such a distant goal.
But if we break a giant task into smaller parts or pieces,
We can then proceed to tackle it, as the dread decreases.
As we complete each part, confidence we build,
Knowing progress we’re making, not by dread, stilled.
As the completed parts, a larger piece, become,
We can know we're closing in on the total sum.
The more we accomplish towards our intended goal,
The more we are encouraged to complete the whole
And when upon, we are, that last and final stretch,
We know that giving up is not a choice for us to fetch.
The next time you are, with a giant task, faced,
Divide to make the whole, by parts, then replaced.
Focus on one part of your intended, final goal,
Then another and another, 'til finished is the whole.
Life is about mountains we must climb, overcome,
With lessons intertwined we are to learn from.
We can either face them with unproductive dread
Or tackle them, determined, surmounting them, instead.
💗 Have a blessed day! 💗
Poem by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly
©2018-11-04 01:05:00 (EST)
All rights reserved.
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"Have a blessed day; count your blessings, every one,
As your day begins, throughout, and when your day is done."
~ Artsieladie Poetic Quote
I've always applied this to any large task or project, breaking one down into segments, and although it seems to be such a simple minded approach, it puts one in a frame of mind that lessens any dread one may have when faced with a large and daunting task, because instead of dwelling on the huge, whole task, one then focuses on just a part at a time and as each part is completed, one then starts to feel like they're accomplishing something, which in turn is encouraging to keep going until the whole task is completed. ♥
Life’s so much about mountains we must climb,
Particularly those requiring huge chunks of time.
But if we focus only on the mountains, whole,
Impossible it seems then for us to reach our goal.
We can easily get discouraged dwelling on the whole,
Making the end result seem like such a distant goal.
But if we break a giant task into smaller parts or pieces,
We can then proceed to tackle it, as the dread decreases.
As we complete each part, confidence we build,
Knowing progress we’re making, not by dread, stilled.
As the completed parts, a larger piece, become,
We can know we're closing in on the total sum.
The more we accomplish towards our intended goal,
The more we are encouraged to complete the whole
And when upon, we are, that last and final stretch,
We know that giving up is not a choice for us to fetch.
The next time you are, with a giant task, faced,
Divide to make the whole, by parts, then replaced.
Focus on one part of your intended, final goal,
Then another and another, 'til finished is the whole.
Life is about mountains we must climb, overcome,
With lessons intertwined we are to learn from.
We can either face them with unproductive dread
Or tackle them, determined, surmounting them, instead.
Blog (here):
As your day begins, throughout, and when your day is done."
~ Artsieladie Poetic Quote
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