Sunday, May 28, 2017


Greetings everyone, from Artsieladie!

"Why do people who help outsiders fail to help their own?
Giving, caring, kindness, and all charity begins at home!"
~ Artsieladie Quote 
"Charity Begins At Home"
Art/poem by Artsieladie
PNG link:

Many people'll give to strangers, folks they've never met,
While to and for their closest, they conveniently forget.
Many people will give to others on the world's other side,
But when their own are in need, the same is not applied.

Many will donate time, money, items, and so much more
To those they know not or barely and will keep no score.
Yet, these same when giving to their closest, keep track
And very often will expect their giving to be paid back.

Many give to charities and churches, never truly knowing
What their giving will be used for; where it's 'really' going.
People will and do give blindly without absolute guarantee,
But give nothing when the results of, they could clearly see.

Whatever became of the saying, "Charity Begins At Home"?
Blind giving and to strangers is the prevailing syndrome.
Because those we know personally, to help, we hesitate,
While with those we know not, to help, we can't wait!

This syndrome affliction where giving must be distant,
On both large and small scale, is pretty much consistent.
Within the private sector and throughout our government,
Aid is given in abundance but in distance, it is sent.

Where's family helping family, neighbour helping neighbour;
Communities working together with time, money, and labour?
Where's 'our' government, with we, the people, by and for,
With millions hungry, homeless, yet aid's sent to a foreign door?

People do amazing acts of giving when outsiders are in need,
While those within their circle warrant no or little heed.
If we can find time and funds for those who should be secondary,
We should be able to do likewise for those to us who are primary.

There's no criticising of giving here; let this be understood,
Because giving in itself is always a deed classified as good.
However, with our priorities especially, adjustment is in order,
Since Charity Begins At Home, within our circles and our border.

Art/Poem by Artsieladie / Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly
©2017-05-24 23:31:00 (EST) 
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Graphic pen by Artsieladie

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Art by Artsieladie


Greetings everyone, from Artsieladie!

America is being destroyed because of greed.

Dedicated to all our American Veteran Heroes who have sacrificed so much to protect and preserve our Constitutional Rights, Freedoms and Americans' safety. We Americans are indebted immeasurably to all our Veteran Heroes. We must honour them by standing together as United Americans seeing to it all that our Heroes sacrificed for, is not taken away from us by those who seek huge financial gains for themselves alone. ANYONE, including our government, our politicians, CIA, etc., who jeopardizes Americans' rights, freedoms, safety, and so forth, is an abominable disgrace for such individuals profoundly dishonour and desecrate all that our service men and women have given to, sacrificed for our country, with so many who have sacrificed the ultimate by giving up their lives. Our American Heroes did NOT make the sacrifices they did for the greedy elite, the greedy corporations, to bleed our country and Americans dry nor to make America a puppet for or a part of a one world government. Our Heroes gave their lives TO KEEP AMERICA FREE!! It is our responsibility as Americans to make damn sure, AMERICA REMAINS FREE!! We can ONLY accomplish this as a UNITED PEOPLE.

United, we stand; divided, we fall;
It is up to us ALL to make the call.
We either honour, preserve, and save
Or forfeit and dishonour all who gave.
When we work together to keep America free, 
We honour those who gave ALL to make us be; 
But against each other, using forces of hate, 
We forfeit freedom’s sacrifices and desecrate.
~ Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly 
"The Eagle Cries"
Art/poem by Artsieladie
Full Size PNG:

Across spacious skies the eagle flies
Over mountains, valleys, and plains;
On majestic wing but with no song to sing
For the greedy are robbing all gains.

A nation's seeds of many colours, creeds,
Created with liberty and justice for all;
Divided is wrong when united is strong,
But division now threatens her to fall.

The eagle's land once so grand,
The home of the brave and free
Is under the spell of the wicked cartel,
While sleeping eyes wake not to see.

The eagle weeps as darkness creeps
In shadows across this great land.
Our freedom's story, once of glory,
Now written by the elitists' hand.

For all the lives lost, the ultimate cost,
The Eagle Cries, shedding rivers of tears,
As the greedy elite conspire to defeat
America, the eagle trembles in fears.

Though the eagle still soars over her shores
Where once was widespread brotherly Love,
The Eagle Cries down now over many a town,
A dismal view is the sight from up above. 

For all the many lies, in shame The Eagle Cries;
The deafened hear not its piercing screams
Of the eagle, forlorn, as it trumpets to warn
The People and the threat to our dreams.

From uncertain skies The Eagle Cries,
Shuddering, gripped with fears;
Over America, the great, of uncertain fate,
Her majesty fading, reflects in eagles' tears.

Across spacious sky will the eagle again fly
Over a land where people united, stand,
Proud and free from sea to shining sea,
Under God's Grace and Guiding Hand?

Art/poem by Artsieladie
Full Size PNG:

Art/Poem by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly
©2016-11-11 08:31:00 (EST) 
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Graphic pen by Artsieladie

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Additional Credits:
In honour of all those who sacrificed their lives 
for our country and our freedoms.
Art by Artsieladie


Greetings everyone, from Artsieladie!

I think the title and the poem with, covers the gist of the message here. Having rights and freedoms is a privilege we should cherish by showing respect for having them, period.

"Freedoms aren't free; they come at a cost
Of many lives sacrificed, ultimately lost."
~ Artsieladie Quote 
"Rights Carry Responsibility"
Art/poem by Artsieladie
PNG link:

We have the right to freedom of speech and expression,
But we have NOT the right to use them for transgression.
A right is a privilege to be respected every time we use
And not as a platform to others, harass, insult, abuse.

So many are quick to claim their right to freedom of speech,
But don't give a second thought to how the right, they breach.
If one exercises their rights, they have also an obligation,
To use the rights responsibly, with respect and consideration.

We all don't have to the same, believe, think, like, or live,
But it's all of our duties to respect towards others, give.
If one uses their rights to antagonise, bully, or spread hatred,
They're abusing their rights and should have them confiscated.

If one cannot respect their rights, use them responsibly,
They don't deserve to have them, to abuse them liberally.
Disrespecting our rights is dishonouring those who gave,
Who sacrificed their lives, to our rights and freedoms, save.

So, if you're one of those who's disrespectful, with no class,
Who chooses to use your rights to bully, bash, harass,
Remember who/what you desecrate is despicable, at best;
A reflection of yourself; from others, likewise you request.

I say this to anyone who elects to abuse a right,
"Why don't YOU strap on combat boots and fight;
Put YOUR life on the line, a place of living hell,
And see how YOU would like then, disrespect as well."

Art/Poem by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly
©2016-05-21 14:46:00 (EST) 
All rights reserved.
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Graphic pen by Artsieladie

Blog (here): 

For more Artsieladie Poetry:
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Additional Credits:
In honour of all those who sacrificed their lives 
for our country and our freedoms.
Art by Artsieladie

Wednesday, May 17, 2017


Greetings everyone, from Artsieladie!

"For the good we do and say, if there's hate within our heart,
Regardless of our good intentions, hate we will impart."
~ Artsieladie Quote 
Art/poem by Artsieladie
Full Size PNG:

What Ripples do you make? What Ripples do you spread?
Are they Ripples borne of Love or of hate instead?
The Ripples that we send, eventually converge
Into a sea, an ocean, where ultimately they merge.
There is a sea of Love and there is a sea of hate
And the Ripples that we send is which we propagate.

Elements of Love are truth, honesty, kindness, and compassion;
Forgiveness, understanding, with humility kept in fashion.
Elements of hatred are lies, deceit, spitefulness expressed;
Meanness, greed, revenge, with the ego kept caressed.
The Ripples that we make; the Ripples that we send
Speak for what we wish for to be the winning trend.

When we send out Love, we make an ocean full of waves,
An ocean full of Love and humanity, it saves.
When we send out hate, we make an angry, frothing sea,
That culminates into violence, the killings that we see.
If we are to change the current violence that is trending,
Then we have to change the type of Ripples we are sending.

When we send out Love, hope is never lost,
But when we send out hate, killing is the cost.
It's the innocent who suffer when hate we release;
Only Love can restore and bring about peace.
When hatred keeps spreading, it makes its way behind a gun
And when hate controls the trigger, expect killing to be done.

So, why do humans choose, allow hate to interfere,
When Love holds the key for peace to persevere?
Humans are intelligent beings or so, it's said to be.
Yet, humans kill humans, how intelligent are we?
The concept is so simple, so easy to comprehend,
Yet, humans can't deduce how we cause the trend
That when we promote and instigate hate
With Ripples that we send, violence we create!

Art/Poem by Artsieladie / Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly
©2016-07-14 20:01:00 (EST) 
All rights reserved.
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Graphic pen by Artsieladie

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Art by Artsieladie


Greetings everyone, from Artsieladie!

"Out of the mouths of babes comes the ungreyed truth."
~ Artsieladie Quote 
"Grey Zone"
Art/poem by Artsieladie
Full Size PNG:

A major part of life is in the zone of grey.
Very little's black or white on any given day.
So often we must choose, we must decide,
Which of the choices is the better side.

On one side there's wrong and there's also right
And on the other side, similar is our plight.
Decisions aren't easy when both right and wrong exist,
For no matter how you lean, there is a downing twist.

If life were black and white, could be seen as such,
Decisions would be easy. We wouldn't stress so much.
But life is not as we'd like with its many shades of grey,
So, our best decisions can still leave us in dismay.

Since choices and decisions in life must be made,
We cannot escape, good and bad must be weighed.
This dilemma we all face, each and every one.
Therefore, keep in mind when there are errors done.

When neither side's a winner or not totally a loss,
It seems we are left with only dice to toss.
Oh, the shades of grey instead of black and white;
Not completely sunshine and not as black as night.

Poem by Artsieladie / Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly
©2016-07-25 13:12:00 (EST) 
All rights reserved.
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Graphic pen by Artsieladie

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Art by Artsieladie


Greetings everyone, from Artsieladie!

Since this poem only covers the issue of being treated as an outcast, I wanted to expand further about it and similar situations and try to offer some sort of useful/helpful information or guidelines to counteract when others treat us badly. So, at the end of this post I've added some of my *additional thoughts* (which when clicked on, will expand) and probably a bit lengthy for some or perhaps many, but it's written with my sincere intention to help and/or encourage others who are being or have been treated like an outcast, like you're worthless; who are being or have been bullied, ostracised, belittled, etc. to have faith in yourselves and know the ill treatment of others can be overcome and the strength to overcome is within "you". Don't allow others the power to dictate who you are. Own the power yourself because the power over yourself is YOURS! 

Art/poem by Artsieladie
Full Size PNG:

When one feels like an Outcast, one can over compensate
In ways that are extreme to try and change their fate.
This can make them do things others cannot relate to,
If they know not of such pain one suffers through.

When one is on the outside, always looking in,
Self worth and confidence, existence of is thin.
This aloneness bearing compels the affected heart
To seek ways to be accepted if only just in part.

Often unconventional are the ways selected
And so, often too are the ways by most rejected,
Which then leads to a deeper desperation
Of longing to belong to end the separation.

Extreme behaviours can be of good or bad intention,
But either way they are to seek and to draw attention
To the fact that inside of their instigating heart,
There is a place longing to belong, a very empty part.

Many folks are heartless, cruel, insensitive;
Shun, disown others who unlike them, live.
With those who are different in various ways,
Judgment's cast on through obvious displays.  

If one hasn't ever been on the outside looking in,
They can't understand how one's feeling deep within
Who has lost their self confidence, esteem, even worth,
And will even question why, the reasons for their birth.

We live in a cruel world where more and more are mean,
Where more and more care not, it's such a selfish scene.
More find reasons to use differences to others, cast aside,
Than find reasons to in harmony live peacefully and reside.

Too many humans blame those who different from them live
To excuse their bad behaviour for kindness they don't give,
But this reflects on 'them' poorly; they're just too ignorant to see.
Those with malice who are so callous, the Outcast, they should be.

Art/Poem by Artsieladie / Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly
©2016-11-13 06:58:00 (EST) 
All rights reserved.
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Graphic pen by Artsieladie

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Additional thoughts...

Art by Artsieladie

Tuesday, May 16, 2017


Greetings everyone, from Artsieladie!

"Who we are within really, we cannot hide forever
No matter how much we try with measures, clever."

~ Artsieladie Quote 
"Chimney Smoke"
Art/poem by Artsieladie
Full Size PNG:

1) What escapes from your chimney
Reveals the contents of your heart,
Whether borne of Love or not,
Of which, your smoke will impart.

If Love is present, living,
Within your beating heart,
Puffs of pleasant, sweet smoke
From your chimney will depart.

But... with a heart void of Love,
Where darkness upon drapes,
From its chimney can only be
Black smoke that escapes.

A heart filled with Love
Is a heart always free.
Where darkness can't prevail
Nor shackled, make it be.

Do check your chimney often
For the contents of your smoke.
If dark clouds you are puffing,
Your heart may then be broke.

A heart that bears no Love
Is a heart not working well
For the heart is designated
As the place for Love to dwell.

2) One's appearance may be drab,
Unattractive to the sight,
But if the smoke is pleasant, sweet,
Then the place within's alright.

Or one's appearance may have beauty;
With a tune of a sweet, inviting song,
But if they're puffing black smoke,
Then there is something wrong.

But no need to be disheartened,
For hope, there always is,
When Love's invited into a heart,
Love brings along too, bliss.

Once one's heart is exposed
To Love and all its Magic,
Their former heart of darkness
Will be no longer sad and tragic.

As the heart fills with Love,
The once Chimney Smoke of black
Will change to pleasant, sweeter
Puffs, escaping from the stack.

Your Chimney Smoke tells the tale,
Provides the true rendition,
Speaks truthfully of your character
And about your heart's condition.

Art/Poem by Artsieladie / Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly
©2016-01-29 03:07:00 (EST) 
All rights reserved.
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Graphic pen by Artsieladie

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Art by Artsieladie


Greetings everyone, from Artsieladie!

"Hatred is toxic, lethal to the soul
And to the heart, a very costly toll."
~ Artsieladie Quote 
Art/poem by Artsieladie
Full Size PNG:

Art/poem by Artsieladie
Full Size PNG:

Hatred is always seeking to take root, to get a start,
To receive nourishment from and grow inside a heart.
Hatred feeds on weaknesses to proportions, magnify;
Spins lies into the truth and turns the truth into a lie.

Hatred is provocative in ways kept secluded
Keeping potential hosts unaware and from, eluded,
Until their heart's infected in pursuance of their soul
To gift the devil with, Hatred's intended, main goal.

When a person is infected with the vileness of hate,
They may not realise they are; be receptive to, equate,
Because their ego plays a role though invisible like a ghost,
But with elusive power to deceive an unsuspecting host.

When Hatred is at work, those infected with display
The worst human traits showing their morals in decay.
Because Hatred is deceptive, the host of, in reality is a fool,
Since used against them is their ego's pride as a conning tool.

Since Hatred is of the devil, it's likewise seductive;
Justified with excuses to appear as though productive.
But Hatred is a destroyer of Love, good, and positive,
Residing in a host permitting it to grow, thrive, and live.

Regardless how it's cloaked, disguised behind a name,
Or used to fuel a cause, still, it is Hatred all the same.
Hatred creates more Hatred, maintaining opposition,
Disallows compromise for resolutions to reach fruition.

Hatred incites violence, increasing its dimension;
Carving deep dividing wedges to multiply dissension.
Though Hatred may be subtle, its effects are profound,
With tragic repercussions, it wreaks havoc all around.

Hatred promotes abundantly all the ugly, human traits;
Resentment, greed, envy, anger; all such, instigates.
Hatred's void of Love and all the goodness Love possesses.
Though Hatred tries to imitate Love, it falsely expresses.

Poem by Artsieladie / Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly
©2017-02-13 08:16:00 (EST) 
All rights reserved.
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Graphic pen by Artsieladie

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Art by Artsieladie


Greetings everyone, from Artsieladie!

"The wonders we could do if we would choose Love over hate;
We'd bring peace among humans and great cause to celebrate!"
~ Artsieladie Quote 
"Celebrate Love"
Art by Artsieladie
Full Size PNG:

Art/poem by Artsieladie
Full Size PNG:

Love is our Greatest Gift we all should celebrate
Every day in every way, allow not ourselves to hate.
With those we Love, agree with, we grant Love great dimension,
Yet, abandon Love completely in times when there is dissension.

Love can't work its magic, if Love we don't apply
And when we need Love most, Love, we then deny.
So, how can we ever know the greatness of our Gift,
If we pick and choose when to use or away from, drift?

Love is never selfish, cruel, unkind, or mean.
In Love's presence, hate cannot be found or seen.
But when we meet with instances when we don't agree,
Love we hide deep inside and choose hatred liberally.

Whereas, if we would be more liberal with showing Love,
The benefits we all would reap, there isn't a measure of.
Why do we choose negative traits of hatred to dispense,
When the positive traits of Love make the perfect sense?

Every single day I witness at such an alarming rate,
People wagging their tongues of bitterness and hate,
While those with hearts of Love, still tender yet and caring,
Are made to suffer the wrath of all the hatred sharing.

Love is our Greatest Gift, we should be celebrating,
But instead, humans practice more to hone skillful hating.
It really is disgustingly pathetic how humans do behave,
Promoting human ugliness and Love, refuse to save.

As long as hatred's traits are practiced and permitted,
Violence and killing then, humans will be to, committed.
Peace and harmony we can't ever know or to, equate,
As long as we choose hate, not Love to celebrate.

Only when we humans choose Love as our course of action,
Always front and center, not allowing hate's distraction,
Will we obtain the peace humans long for and desire.
When we Celebrate Love truly, human greatness we'll acquire.

Poem by Artsieladie / Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly
©2017-02-14 23:56:00 (EST) 
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Graphic pen by Artsieladie

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Art by Artsieladie