Tuesday, August 29, 2017


Howdy folks! 

"Time wasted is time lost.
We realise though, not the cost,
Until time wasted brings remorse
With no escape or recourse."
~ Artsieladie Quote 

Poem/art by Artsieladie
PNG url:

When a Loved one passes, the curtain's drawn;
A star on your stage is forever Gone.
There's no round trip, no returning,
Leaving emptiness filled with only yearning.

Time is precious with those we Love,
If taken for granted, the importance of,
With regret, we could be left,
Resentful, bitter about the theft
Of time, we feel's been stolen away
But time really, we allowed to stray.

When a Loved one's Gone, reality hits.
Your heart feels shattered into bits.
If however, you have no doubt
Your Loved one knew well about
How Loved they were and still, they are,
And in your life they were, are a star,
There is solace in knowing they knew
Before they left to be Gone from you.

Too often we think there's plenty of time,
Until one day there's a missing chime,
A chime we'll miss making our clock
Not quite in sync with its missing tock.
Our heart will still beat but not without ache
For no one can fill in the permanent break.

Those we rely on, their Love, their support,
We must never abandon, forget in our court.
Trust that's built, taken years to do,
Can't be redone the same, as true.
Gone is forever, can't be undone.
So, we must cherish each Loved one,
For we never can know which day is the last,
When a dearest presence will be Gone to our past.

💗 Have a blessed day! ðŸ’—
Poem/art by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly 
©2016-08-03 05:20:00 (EST)
All rights reserved.
To see more posts, check out the Sitemap.

Graphic pen by Artsieladie

Website: www.artsieladie.com
Blog: http://artsieladie-creative-corner.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-heartbeats.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-quotes.blogspot.com/
Blog (here): http://artsieladie-rhymetyme.blogspot.com/ 

For more Artsieladie Poetry:
My Website: https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladie.com/www/artsieladie-poetry
PoetrySoup: http://www.poetrysoup.com/me/Artsieladie
"Have a blessed day; count your blessings, every one,
As your day begins, throughout, and when your day is done."
~ Artsieladie Poetic Quote
Art by Artsieladie

Friday, August 25, 2017


Howdy folks! 

"A person who is awesome, their character will display,
But with their humbleness, won't see themselves this way."
~ Artsieladie Quote 

Quote/art by Artsieladie
PNG url: 

Be the best of who you can be; 
Be the best of who you are.
Awesome then you shall be
And you'll shine like a star!

If you fill your heart with Love, 
For hate, there'll be no space!
Your Light will brightly shine, 
Like a beacon every place!

There'll be no need to say,
To, your Awesomeness, impress,
For a character of excellence
Will immeasurably express.

Remember, words are empty vessels
Without actions of, supporting.
If you feel the need to say,
Then, in doubt of, you are courting.

An outward appearance of beauty
Does not awesome, generate.
Only if there's beauty within
Can Awesomeness radiate.

With the presenting of oneself,
It's one's character that reflects
And shows so clearly what one
Is accepting of or one rejects.

So, when someone feels compelled
To brag about themselves and boast,
They know their character is lacking
And need convincing of the most.

Since ego boasts and brags,
Plays a deceptive role,
One must be humble to,
Of their ego, keep control.

A person who cultivates integrity,
From others needs no validation;
Feels no need to prove themselves
Nor of, make a declaration.

Those who are most awesome
Portray not themselves as fakes;
Know real comes with flaws
And inevitably, mistakes.

Hence, one's Awesomeness speaks,
Not through spoken words though,
But through character of excellence
And in volumes, it will show.

💗 Have a blessed day! ðŸ’—
Poem/quotes/art by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly 
©2017-08-23 20:05:00 (EST)
All rights reserved.
To see more posts, check out the Sitemap.

Graphic pen by Artsieladie

Website: www.artsieladie.com
Blog: http://artsieladie-creative-corner.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-heartbeats.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-quotes.blogspot.com/
Blog (here): http://artsieladie-rhymetyme.blogspot.com/ 

For more Artsieladie Poetry:
My Website: https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladie.com/www/artsieladie-poetry
PoetrySoup: http://www.poetrysoup.com/me/Artsieladie

Inspired by Trevor McLeod

"Have a blessed day; count your blessings, every one,
As your day begins, throughout, and when your day is done."
~ Artsieladie Poetic Quote
Art by Artsieladie

Thursday, August 24, 2017


Howdy folks! 

"When we are hurt, the depth of pain we bear
Depends upon how much we truly Love and care."
~ Artsieladie Quote 

"Depth Of Love and Pain"
(image ???)

When we Love a little, the amount of hurt's the same.
But when we Love immeasurably, the hurt's too much to name.
When another hurts us deeply and it cuts us to the core,
We know our Love runs so deep we couldn't Love them more.

To truly Love another, we must make vulnerable our heart
And so we must entrust to them our most fragile part.
It's a tremendous risk to put one's heart on the line
And so much safer not to, to ensure our heart stay fine.

So many Love conditionally with their parameters all preset
And from them a pre-assigned amount is all one can hope to get.
They want to know and feel what true Love's all about,
But they can't completely trust, put aside their doubt.

To truly Love such a person is a difficult thing to do,
Because they can't return the same deep Love for you.
For Love to truly work, both must be equally invested
To make and keep Love strong through times when Love is tested.

This holds true across the board with Love of any kind;
With any type of relationship where there's Love to find.
We often think of Love in just a romantic sense alone,
But this is only one way to Love and how Love is shown.

There's Love between parents and children so immense.
There's Love between siblings very deep and dense.
Then there's Love between friends that's second to none.
With so many ways to Love, we Love too, more than just one.

Most everyone we Love will hurt us eventually;
In one way or in another, in some capacity,
For with every type of Love, its strength must be tested
Just to validate how much two people are invested.

If both are equally so, the bond of Love will strengthen
With their relationship guaranteed to grow and to lengthen.
But if one or both are limited, conditionally invested,
The relationship will fold from the strain of being tested.

This is when Love can become a time of heartache so great;
When only one Loves deeply and the other can't reciprocate.
To add insult to injury, the one responsible holding blame
Can't begin to fathom the pain since they don't feel the same.

However, on the plus side, there's lots of Love that's true;
Love that's so strong and deep, nothing can break through.
This is the type of Love humanity needs to cultivate,
Before we can hope to win the war against all the hate.

Unfortunately, there are those who, without any shame,
Imitate and fake Love for to them it's just a game.
They're the great pretenders among us, only on the make
Just to take advantage and take all that they can take.

For Love we create conditions, parameters we set
To how much we'll invest and still expect to get.
But for money and possessions, no line will we draw
And for excessive lust and greed, we see in no flaw.

So it goes, we can't be hurt more than how much we Love and care.
The more shallow is our Love, the less pain we'll have to bear.
Only the bravest of souls will take a chance with their heart,
Gamble in search of true Love, invest their deepest part.

But even braver still are those who've suffered great pain
And still have the courage to reach out to truly Love again.
We can only expect returns equal to how much we invest;
When it comes to Love especially, no more can we request.

"The deeper we are hurt, the deeper the Love we bear,
For hurt can go no deeper than how much we Love and care."
~ Artsieladie Quote ©2017-06-15

💗 Have a blessed day! ðŸ’—
Poem/quotes by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly 
©2017-08-24 14:31:00 (EST)
All rights reserved.
To see more posts, check out the Sitemap.

Graphic pen by Artsieladie

Website: www.artsieladie.com
Blog: http://artsieladie-creative-corner.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-heartbeats.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-quotes.blogspot.com/
Blog (here): http://artsieladie-rhymetyme.blogspot.com/ 

For more Artsieladie Poetry:
My Website: https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladie.com/www/artsieladie-poetry
PoetrySoup: http://www.poetrysoup.com/me/Artsieladie

"Have a blessed day; count your blessings, every one,
As your day begins, throughout, and when your day is done."
~ Artsieladie Poetic Quote
Art by Artsieladie

Saturday, August 19, 2017


Howdy folks! 

This poem I really enjoyed bringing together. As far as I'm concerned, I believe the only true Magic is Love. I enjoy being on and using a computer. Hence, advocating for Love using some tech terminology gives this poem a unique flavour without a doubt. 

(image pending)

Magic is here, Magic is there,
Magic exists everywhere,
In every life, in every part,
In every breath, in every heart.

But before you can be really receiving,
You must first be truly believing.
For Magic to work, you must give
Magic, free rein to thrive, to Live,
And where the file was placed at birth,
Within each soul upon this Earth.

If your enable to off is set,
Closed to Magic will bring regret,
For Magic is special, custom software,
Installed in hearts with tender care,
With no need to scan for malicious content,
But fully open, releasing the pure intent
To  warm the heart, to guide the mind,
To awaken the soul to which assigned.

This Magicware, once released,
Will auto update, will be increased,
For whatever ram or memory needed,
Since limitless can't be exceeded. 
Plug-ins and effects come built in,
Are activated, sending to the recycle bin,
Negative files threatening, obstructive,
Designed of Magic to be destructive.

With every good program, there comes support,
Our dearly beloveds fill this court.
Partners, family, friends, all,
Help to strengthen our firewall.
But should our system come under attack
By a Magic-muted, invasive hack,
Who's gained access through a vulnerable port,
Magic scans thoroughly to seek and abort,
Whatever's been seeded or taken root,
Cleansing completely before reboot.

Magic is freeware, installed by default, 
But it's up to us, to open the vault,
To turn on the program, to activate,
The natural defenses, to abate,
The nasty viruses that seek to affect,
Our heart's function to repel, reject,
The evil hovering like vultures, slick,
Waiting to strike should we click
On temptation, just to try,
To be bitten before we even buy.

So, turn on your Magic, welcome romance,
With peace and joy, your heart let dance.
As the Melody of Magic, the player plays,
Unfading even during the darkest of days,
Your heart will glow, illuminate,
Drawing others around to congregate,
To wonder, to ask, how, why your Light,
Shines so strong, shines so bright.

As they inquire, "What is the cause?"
You can tell them without a pause,
How inside them is the same
A program installed bearing the name
Of Magic but they must hit the start
And in the menu, the controlling part,
Click to open, then click run.
Once activated, Magic's begun.

'Twill cleanse their heart, a thorough scan,
Deleting files to perma ban.
As Magic clears out their cluttered space,
Their hearts will lighten and thus embrace
A new found freedom from bugs and worms,
All those pesky, infected virus germs.
Their entire system will be under change,
Operation Magic will re-arrange,
Reformat with specific code
To maintain performance in Magic Mode.

All new files downloaded to save
In special folders marked as fav',
Shall be scanned, closely inspected,
Anything foreign to Magic rejected.
Much more efficient, void of haste,
Their systems will run with little waste
Of energy, of time, on negative things,
Too preoccupied by what brings
Joy and peace, a contented heart,
Once Magic is run from the click on start.

This program called Magic, perfected and planned,
Designed by the Master Programmer's Hand
Is the best OS to run in one's heart
And never too late to click on start.
We need no faeries to cast their spells,
For within us all, Magic dwells.

I do indeed highly recommend,
This Magic Program, may it be the trend
That more and more will give it a try
For after all, they needn't buy!

What's this Magic I speak of?
The only REAL Magic, the name is Love.

💗 Have a blessed day! ðŸ’—
Poem by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly 
©2014-07-25 07:11:00 (EST)
All rights reserved.
To see more posts, check out the Sitemap.

Graphic pen by Artsieladie

Website: www.artsieladie.com
Blog: http://artsieladie-creative-corner.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-heartbeats.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-quotes.blogspot.com/
Blog (here): http://artsieladie-rhymetyme.blogspot.com/ 

For more Artsieladie Poetry:
My Website: https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladie.com/www/artsieladie-poetry
PoetrySoup: http://www.poetrysoup.com/me/Artsieladie

"Have a blessed day; count your blessings, every one,
As your day begins, throughout, and when your day is done."
~ Artsieladie Poetic Quote
Art by Artsieladie

Friday, August 18, 2017


Howdy folks! 

Just because others believe differently, live differently, look differently, etc., etc., this does NOT warrant treating others like they are lesser class people in ANY way whatsoever. Differences aren't one sided. One person sees another as different, but guess what? The other person also sees the same but in reverse. So, others may seem different to us, but to others, it is we who seem different to them as well. When we treat others badly simply because they don't fit in with our ideals, we then send those we attack for no valid reason an open invitation for them to treat us the same way. Harmony and peace are not possible in an environment where people continually practice antagonising other people causing the other people to continually reciprocate.

As long as other people aren't doing anything harmful to others, then this should be sufficient reasoning to let others live their lives in peace and to be treated with respect. Those who bring and cause harm to others are the ones who need to be dealt with and held accountable for their wrongdoings. Everyone has the right to defend themselves when need be, but we don't have the right to treat others badly when they are causing us no harm and just because others seem different, simply being different is not harmful. Therefore, when we antagonise or attack others simply because of differences, then it is we who are doing wrong. 

(image pending)

Imposition is one of humans' greatest flaws.
Countless times proven as the underlying cause
Of immense human suffering throughout history,
In endless ways justified to levy extensive misery.

People in general can't accept others as they are;
Differences are perceived as a green light to mar
Another's character, reputation, and self esteem;
Beliefs, culture, and even another's right to dream.

There can be witnessed in each and every day
How people treat others in a disrespectful way.
When others' views are different, insults are flung
With vile name calling and with a vulgar tongue.

No where is it more apparent causing great division
Than with the topic of politics and with religion.
Then infantile behaviour any primate could surpass,
Intelligent humans stoop to, of the lowest class.

Imposing people attack when their views are rejected;
When others perceive differently than is expected.
Conformity to 'their' ways, imposing people demand,
Expecting others to abandon their own just by command.

When others are opposed, refusing to comply,
Imposing people attack with intent to crucify.
All their ego's ugly traits in highlighted arrogance,
Imposing people personify, willingly dispense.

Those who indulge their ego, reflect their vile side,
Forfeit their self respect, trade it in for ego's pride.
Their ego tells them they are so cool and so smart,
But in reality they exhibit their own shallow heart.

The human ego is a beast of self centeredness;
Lives in every human to indulge or to suppress.
When the ego is allowed to, the human heart, rule,
Humility is then sacrificed when ego wins the duel.

Humans are diversified, each uniquely created.
Together, our differences should be celebrated.
All in complete agreement, forcing conformity
Would be disastrous for progress within humanity.

People who impose on others, regardless what about,
Are the people most responsible, there is no doubt
For the lack of peace/contentment in our troubled world,
Because of their imposing ways always being hurled.

Those who believe they're superior, to others are above,
Are void of compassion and what it truly means to Love.
For Love can't live in a heart connected to a narrow mind,
Where the host is self absorbed, ego driven, and blind.

Someone's beliefs, race, colour, sexuality, or creed
Doesn't warrant treatment like they're a lesser breed.
Money and possessions doesn't make anyone superior,
But those who believe so, themselves they make inferior.

If people would be respectful, stop with their Impositions,
Stop forcing others to conform to their own ambitions,
All the world would benefit, all peoples everywhere.
Our differences we'd embrace with harmony to spare.

When our differences are an obstacle between us no more,
The true essence of humanity we'll then know like not before.
We can then work together as one, an undivided race
To thwart off and defeat all threats to humanity we face.

But in Imposition mode, which is current and prevailing,
We're kept weakened and divided; our unity is failing,
Making the majority of us primed, subject to control
By a wicked few and their puppets kept on their dole.

💗 Have a blessed day! ðŸ’—
Poem by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly 
©2017-03-23 00:02:00 (EST)
All rights reserved.
To see more posts, check out the Sitemap.

Graphic pen by Artsieladie

Website: www.artsieladie.com
Blog: http://artsieladie-creative-corner.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-heartbeats.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-quotes.blogspot.com/
Blog (here): http://artsieladie-rhymetyme.blogspot.com/ 

For more Artsieladie Poetry:
My Website: https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladie.com/www/artsieladie-poetry
PoetrySoup: http://www.poetrysoup.com/me/Artsieladie

"Have a blessed day; count your blessings, every one,
As your day begins, throughout, and when your day is done."
~ Artsieladie Poetic Quote
Art by Artsieladie

Sunday, August 13, 2017


Howdy folks! 

Everyone has a breaking point with varying degrees of threshold levels among us. 

Some have a very low threshold of tolerance and patience and with these people, if they're a part of our lives, walking on eggshells around them is often how we deal with them or we try to avoid them whenever possible. We have a greater tendency to try to please them because we don't want to deal with them when they're displeased. We hope to avoid a combative confrontation.

Some have a high threshold of tolerance and have a lot of patience. These people we can easily take advantage of and not necessarily realise we are, until that is, they reach their breaking point and usually, a person with a high threshold learns how to hold inside themselves a number of things they've tolerated, put up with, until they reach their breaking point. Then watch out because all they've kept pent up, they will likely unleash and show their accumulated frustration all at once.

People with a low threshold, we expect frequent adverse and angry reactions from. But, people with a high threshold, we suddenly are taken aback when they react to us adversely and then, we think they've gone off the deep end, when really they've simply reached their breaking point.

I think the best to try and cultivate for ourselves is the 'middle ground' and try not to expect someone else to accept/put up with something we wouldn't likewise accept or tolerate ourselves. We should cultivate tolerance and patience but not to the point where we don't establish boundaries for ourselves, thus letting others walk all over us as a result. ..And the Golden Rule we should always apply. 

"Breaking Point"
Poem/art by Artsieladie Poem/art by Artsieladie
Full Size PNG:
Pg 1: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiel9drSx_gpQ_LJJIVzbCX0GXoBpDwXV5Ex3DvILkrzZ92JPddEDRHs7E-4ocIF3ew6zc0Gr8kOEudw3KYzvaXLYqtM5w9uGNSpDojjje1WgYNb8ckAj58IeX8kIvf0qJXZF7XJdhn9YE/s792/BreakingPoint-PageOne-ByArtsieladie2017-02-10_8.5x11_72res.png
Pg 2: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEghNdV_h4-KgjBHJlvxBp36o7qwmg4Z63gdwEz6fmz2BHSZPxmMbaTT9fvoKszBpplI0cnBK8RJUdFiYDsj94qs2SPi_9ND71U5NezTKdyCnHUM3HCIMLm-MkYQJf6i-5vSitAAB0LRf8g/s792/BreakingPoint-PageTwo-ByArtsieladie2017-02-10_8.5x11_72res.png

With every struggle in life, there's a cost to one's supply
Of their strength, courage, and hope needed to apply.
The cost will depend upon each struggle's intensity
And the number of to face throughout life's history.

When there are few in number, of a lesser count,
Or aren't very difficult to rise above, surmount,
Those who struggle less say, want it understood,
Life is not so bad, but is wonderful and good.

It's easy to stay positive when there's less to face;
When instead of mountains, there are hills in place.
When one's road is less difficult, it's easy for them
To, those on a tougher journey, be critical of, condemn.

When there are many struggles and/or are hard to bear,
Those afflicted with grow weary from the wear and tear.
Over time the wear is costly since it's accumulative,
Until eventually the toll can reduce one's will to live.

When weariness reaches its limits very near 
And the person has to face; another mountain, clear,
If their strength, their courage, and their hope is thin,
Another stressful situation can/will then do them in.

Everyone has a limit as to how much they can take;
Some more than others before they will break.
Those who can take a lot are often then expected
To handle anything thrown at, onto them projected.

One with a higher tolerance level often gets used
Until they say, "Enough" and then will be abused
Because there are some who, advantage, take
And care not or think of, for another's sake.

We shouldn't expect of others what we wouldn't do;
Anything we would not accept and would object to.
When we expect of others that to, we would object,
We feed our selfish ego which on us then will reflect.

Sometimes though, in life we do have to ask
Because we need another to do for us a task.
If this be the case, for reasons too numerous to say,
Appreciation and gratefulness we must too relay.

Therefore, before others we ask of or expect,
We must be thoughtful of and must show respect;
Realise they have a Breaking Point as we, ourselves, do;
We can't just assume for us they can always come through.

We must keep in mind since we can't ever really know
How much one is dealing with but chooses not to show.
Nor do we know their burdens, how great their weight,
When we dump on others expecting them to tolerate.

In life it's said, the more we rise above and get through,
The stronger we will be and this may well be true,
But there's still a Breaking Point, which beyond we cannot go
And even among the strongest, there's still a call for "No".

💗 Have a blessed day! ðŸ’—
Poem/design by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly 
©2017-02-10 03:22:00 (EST)
All rights reserved.
To see more posts, check out the Sitemap.

Graphic pen by Artsieladie

Website: www.artsieladie.com
Blog: http://artsieladie-creative-corner.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-heartbeats.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-quotes.blogspot.com/
Blog (here): http://artsieladie-rhymetyme.blogspot.com/ 

For more Artsieladie Poetry:
My Website: https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladie.com/www/artsieladie-poetry
PoetrySoup: http://www.poetrysoup.com/me/Artsieladie

"Have a blessed day; count your blessings, every one,
As your day begins, throughout, and when your day is done."
~ Artsieladie Poetic Quote
Art by Artsieladie


Howdy folks! 

"Anyones number many, are present everywhere;
Exceptions number few and to find, are indeed, rare."
~ Artsieladie Quote  

"When we settle for being an anyone, we forfeit our unique
And we allow at best mediocrity to, for us then speak."
~ Artsieladie Quote  

"Anyone can be an anyone. It takes no special skill
When one's ego is in charge, controlling their free will."
~ Artsieladie Quote  

"Anyone Can"
Poem/art by Artsieladie Poem/art by Artsieladie
Full Size PNG:
Pg 1: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh1EFkxPvS4HWyAyEIbUBbgUMoLiMQ_JEV6AvT5IlHeCxA-Tihh7OXLeCQTPK1XHUARNOxZMBmMZP-CONU-W6FkkiIka1Df4XZIJfFRUyi3JH2QrsJmZwdQxAReLcUs702AbXWBNIjwPpc/s792/AnyoneCan-PageOne-ByArtsieladie2017-01-03_8.5x11_72res.png
Pg 2: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgvFmQu7lHfp7h0ac9Q_DPv4fbWzvLrGAjLigWQ4-0ddVIMYwN9qv67wMUX2KHb20S9vntxOxrZyxq26niVRdI5BeFjFVJVn1s8KBKtAKq6VrZmPElMbqGzqbRShWcuv3xra2EHelDP4AQ/s792/AnyoneCan-PageTwo-ByArtsieladie2017-01-03_8.5x11_72res.png

Anyone Can steal; Anyone Can lie;
Anyone Can cheat and then deny.
Anyone Can be resentful and bitter,
Give up easily and be then, a quitter.

Anyone Can allow themselves to hate;
Feed into their ego and perpetuate.
Anyone Can serve only their own selfish gain;
Be greedy for possessions to hoard as they obtain.

Anyone Can be thoughtless, hurtful, and crude;
Inconsiderate, obnoxious, spiteful, and rude.
Anyone Can be phony, fake, and superficial;
Project a version of themselves that's artificial.

Anyone Can bully, be mean and ostracise,
Judge others unfairly and always criticise.
Anyone Can hold grudges, be unforgiving;
Be irresponsible in the life they are living.

Anyone Can be arrogant and demanding,
Without empathy or any understanding.
Anyone Can treat others with contempt,
While from the same, feel they are exempt.

Anyone Can encroach upon another's life,
Create havoc, cause undue stress and strife.
Anyone Can violate laws and crimes commit
Just because they reason to and so, see fit.

Anyone Can, through their life, breeze,
And not give a damn, live as they please,
Without any regards for others to care;
Take, take, take and never give or share.

Anyone Can talk a good talk and promises make,
That with a grain of salt only others should take.
Anyone Can against others commit wrong,
Then refuse blame that with them does belong.

Anyone Can do easy; do only what's desired
Where no self restraint or effort is required.
Anyone Can give in to all of life's temptations,
Then make excuses for their character's limitations.

There are so many things that Anyone Can do,
Requiring no quality characteristics for one to pursue.
'Anyones' settle for their least and for being weak;
Settle for being common and forfeit their unique.

To be an 'anyone' it takes no special skill;
No courage whatsoever to follow ego's will.
'Anyones' say and do whatever comes to mind;
Have no self control, care not if they're unkind.

'Anyones' are a dime a dozen and are seen everywhere,
While exceptional 'exceptions' are indeed so rare.
The world of 'anyones' is vast; densely populated
With those who think 'exceptions' are highly overrated.

Anyone Can be an 'anyone', blend into today's crowd,
Where they are justified; where egos are so proud;
Where self promotion thrives, modesty does not;
Where society, morals and honesty, no more has got. 

Anyone Can be an 'anyone', the easiest route to take,
Where good character doesn't exist to ever be at stake.
But without good character, self worth is non-existent,
As is self discipline to, bad behaviours, be resistant.

'Exceptions' are the exception; 'anyones' are the rule,
With the 'anyones' believing they are each a jewel.
Anyone Can be an 'anyone' to fit into today's norm,
But to be an 'exception' requires much character reform.

Anyone Can be an 'anyone' but an 'exception' cannot be,
Unless they change course, cultivating traits of integrity.
Herein lies the problem since tremendous effort is required.
To be an 'exception', the change to, must foremost be desired.

Anyone Can be an 'anyone'. It's the easiest way to be.
Hence, the plentiness of 'anyones' makes up a giant sea.
So, if we choose to be an 'anyone', there is nothing else to say,
While being an 'exception', speaks volumes words cannot portray.

💗 Have a blessed day! ðŸ’—
Poem/design by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly 
©2017-01-03 08:08:00 (EST)
All rights reserved.
To see more posts, check out the Sitemap.

Graphic pen by Artsieladie

Website: www.artsieladie.com
Blog: http://artsieladie-creative-corner.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-heartbeats.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-quotes.blogspot.com/
Blog (here): http://artsieladie-rhymetyme.blogspot.com/ 

For more Artsieladie Poetry:
My Website: https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladie.com/www/artsieladie-poetry
PoetrySoup: http://www.poetrysoup.com/me/Artsieladie

"Have a blessed day; count your blessings, every one,
As your day begins, throughout, and when your day is done."
~ Artsieladie Poetic Quote
Art by Artsieladie

Wednesday, August 9, 2017


Howdy folks! 

"Congress calls it 'health' care but is it for our health
Or for big pharma profits to reap from us more 'wealth'?"
~ Artsieladie Quote

It's all one vicious cycle and we, the people, are footing the bill both in our wallets and with our health. Cancer is a BILLION DOLLAR INDUSTRY and so are all the other big and prominent diseases, like diabetes. There's no interest really in "prevention" of the diseases because if the diseases were to be eradicated, it would then be bye-bye to all the huge profits being made from treating the symptoms of them. Elementary! 

The FDA is 'supposed to be' in place to PROTECT the people and our welfare, our health. What a crock! It's under big pharma's control. So, the FDA cannot serve the best interests of the people AND the best interests of big pharma too. Simple logic! It's like having the fox in charge of the hen house.

If our government really cared about the people, there would be in place laws and enforced ordering all the crap (chemicals and chemically processed additives, artificial junk, like preservatives, sweeteners, flavours, colours, etc.. the list is long) be removed from our food, water, and environment and all GMOs would be banned. But our government won't EVER do this because big business and wealthy corporations run this country and 'who' has control of these? The wealthy 1% elitists who are covertly plotting/planning a NWO agenda (New World Order), which is to take over and control the ENTIRE world. NOT good!

But the vast majority of peoples (note: plural) are still in the dark: sleeping, ignoring, indifferent, etc.. It's really so ridiculous it isn't funny that 1% can control the 99% but it's because the 99% can't get it together and mostly because people cater to and focus on petty differences. But, 'divide and conquer' is the elitist plan and it's working because the 99% aren't uniting against them.

But back to the topic... Not only does big pharma benefit from a continued practice of keeping people sick, but so does the medical field; so does the weight loss industry; so do all the insurance companies, therefore lots of attorneys on both sides of the equation AND we can be sure our elected politicians are being well compensated also. They are all just a bunch of glorified thugs and thieves! It's really so sickening, despicable, wicked... just way beyond words or comprehension.

"Eradicate the causes; then watch what disappears;
Symptoms and the profits made by all the racketeers.
When there are no symptoms available to treat,
All the profits made from will crash into defeat."

"The causes of disease won't be eradicated,
Because the profits from treating symptoms
Would then be completely eliminated!"
~ Artsieladie Quotes 

"Profit Pie"
(image pending)

Keep the people sick. Keep the people ill
For profit's being made from each and every pill.
The more pills we take; the more pills we need,
The more we help Big Pharma to satisfy their greed.
Causes of disease must be kept in place
So treating of the symptoms can keep their profit base.
While Big Pharma benefits, their profits growing yearly,
With our health and money, we pay the cost severely.

Our food laced with chemicals, artificial, processed crap,
Genetically modified junk, sets the disease begetting trap.
With tons of sugar added and loads and loads of salt,
Ingredients known as harmful, insuring disease by default.
As long as we, the people, are with ailments and disease,
Our money can be taken for their profit gains, with ease.

The food industry sets the stage, the bakers of the pie,
Invites in other fingers, none of which are shy.
Their recipe is simple, made of our blood and sweat.
As we struggle to survive, they steal all that they can get.
As we're slowly cooked, we're bled until we're dry.
When our pockets are all empty, they care not if we die.

Yes, we, the people, are finger licking good,
'Cause without us, the greedy have no profit livelihood!
Still, the tasty, main ingredient of this, the Profit Pie,
Is not we, the people, but the money we supply.
Oh, the pie's delicious, delectable and sweet,
With the greedy gorging on the profits by deceit.

Beneficiaries are awarded with the rolling of the dice,
With Big Pharma and the lawyers winning each the biggest slice.
The weight loss industry is in, lapping up its share of gravy
From the pie, a sea of profits with no patrolling Navy.
The medical field has a chunk, not too shabby is its size
With the charges by the doctors ever increasing, on the rise.

Our FDA, the referee, is under fox patrol.
How safe are the people when Big Pharma has control?
Health insurance companies now have the upper hand,
Since we've been forced to buy through an executive demand.
Which brings up to mention our politicians' roles.
Though they won't admit it, they're on one or more doles.
Oh, the elitists' Profit Pie serves mighty well, their greed,
Their hearts with no conscience, who, on innocent people, feed.

"When lust for money takes precedence and thrives;
Humanity regresses when money's valued more than lives."

💗 Have a blessed day! ðŸ’—
Poem by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly 
©2016-06-26 16:05:00 (EST)
All rights reserved.
To see more posts, check out the Sitemap.

Graphic pen by Artsieladie

Website: www.artsieladie.com
Blog: http://artsieladie-creative-corner.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-heartbeats.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-quotes.blogspot.com/
Blog (here): http://artsieladie-rhymetyme.blogspot.com/ 

For more Artsieladie Poetry:
My Website: https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladie.com/www/artsieladie-poetry
PoetrySoup: http://www.poetrysoup.com/me/Artsieladie
"Have a blessed day; count your blessings, every one,
As your day begins, throughout, and when your day is done."
~ Artsieladie Poetic Quote
Art by Artsieladie


Hello to you from Mountain View!

Tuesday, August 8, 2017


Howdy folks! 

"An attitude of gratitude within maintains a happy life
That from us can't be stolen in times of stress and strife."
~ Artsieladie Quote 

This image with Billy Jacobs' words describe a true artist very well and only a true artist can fully relate with and comprehend what's said.

I believe we all have creativeness within us to one degree or another. Being created by the Master of Creation, how can we not be with an ability to create to some extent? There are as many ways to be creative as there are stars in the heavens.

But then there are some who are born with being creative at the very core of their being, the born artists, the true artists who can touch and stir our thoughts and emotions. True artistry revolves around expression. In order to truly express and/or portray something, one has to FEEL intimately and deeply that which they're expressing. They have to know what something FEELS like in order to express it or express of/from it.

An artist MUST be in touch with, face, and deal with their emotions. So often we artists are described as eccentric and emotional. However, we not only deal with our own emotions, both high and low as well as in between, but we ABSORB others' emotions and woes we connect with as though they are our own and this, all combined, is the material we create and express from. Therefore, to be an artist, emotions and feelings come with the territory. I've been accused many times of being emotional, but then, I am an artist to my and into and at the core of my being and right from birth.

This is why many true artists wind up succumbing to drugs or alcohol, have emotional and/or mental breakdowns, even commit suicide because it can become an unbearable weight to bear one's own pain and woes as well as the same of others. It's difficult to explain to non-artists so they fully understand, but a true artist will relate to and understand completely what I've written about here.

"An Artist"
Artist by Billy Jacobs
Billy Jacobs' image,
a fabulous artist.
"Gifted By God"

I am just a nobody with no fortune and no fame,
But rich in ways many others wouldn't ever think to claim.
Among His many blessings, I'm blessed with a Gift to create,
To share with and touch others, to uplift and educate.

But to be creative, to feel others' woes, address,
God gave me a life of lessons so I could share, express.
He knew I'd need material so I could carry out
My purpose He designed without a shred of doubt.

So, with my poetry, unique and a style all its own,
I write from within, a place no one can ever clone.
To acquire understanding in a way that's surreal,
One must live and experience to know how others feel.

Starting with my childhood, learning the cruelties of life
And throughout adulthood, enduring much pain and strife,
I've gained a wealth of knowledge about wrong and right,
Bringing forth perspicacity in rhyme as I write.

If with my poetry, one's expecting more in line with norm,
One might be disappointed with its content and its form,
For I do not write what and how others think I should,
But mostly to convey a message, hoping that it's good.

I only write in rhyme to give my words a flow;
Free verse seems lacking of, my opinion, though.
I like the added challenge throughout my writing time
Of writing words with meaning AND portrayed with rhyme.

My writing is direct, though not always pleasant, nice;
Some may think too lengthy, therefore not concise.
But truth and honesty can sometimes be harsh and severe
And the delivery of, must be covered and as well, made clear.

Meeting challenges in life has played a main, central part,
Leaving many battle scars upon my, at times, weary heart.
But through it all I've learned, we become better though,
From overcoming challenges which we learn from and grow.

When I say I am blessed in ways others wouldn't claim,
It's because among my blessings, the atrocities I name.
Living through atrocities forges a greater understanding,
More inclined to be forgiving, less critical, reprimanding.

Many reasons I have had too numerous to be counted
To remain bitter and resentful, not overcome, surmounted;
To justify holding onto grudges and be unforgiving,
But a heart so heavy burdened can't rejoice in living.

I've had many chances in life to provide me with excuses
To accept in my heart hatred because of multiple abuses,
But from a young age I've been determined to rise above
By cultivating instead the opposite, the Elements of Love.

Oftentimes, when with our life, we're dissatisfied,
We give in and accept that our misery's justified.
But just one adjustment, a change to/in our objective,
Can make all the difference when we alter our perspective.

When we understand why there are struggles in our life,
All with silver linings in spite of stress and strife,
We afford ourselves the ability to negate the negative,
Transform it into positive to be wiser how we live.

Not only wiser but more humble with our ego more subdued
To be more considerate of others, instead of callous, rude.
We're all a work in progress with each our own path to carve;
Who we are, become, depends upon what traits we feed or starve.

We all make mistakes and they're our best learning tools.
Those who acknowledge this become the wiser versus fools.
We all have attributes to help make the world a better place,
But if we do not bring them forth, we, ourselves, disgrace.

I am creative too as an artist with paint, pencil, brush,
But this creative field brings a different type of rush.
There is beauty all around us God has so richly painted,
That even the world's ugliness can't ruin, make tainted.

Since with animals and nature I've always felt at peace,
Accepted in His world of wonder, God's Masterpiece,
Through my art I try to capture the beauty I still see,
Hoping to remind others of the wonders God made to be.

Being blessed by God with the Gift of Creativity,
My gratitude's immense; I cherish most reverently.
Being given such a Gift by the Master of Creation,
All praise goes to Him with my absolute adoration.

💗 Have a blessed day! ðŸ’—
Poem by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly 
©2017-08-08 09:25:00 (EST)
All rights reserved.
To see more posts, check out the Sitemap.

Graphic pen by Artsieladie

Website: www.artsieladie.com
Blog: http://artsieladie-creative-corner.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-heartbeats.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-quotes.blogspot.com/
Blog (here): http://artsieladie-rhymetyme.blogspot.com/ 

For more Artsieladie Poetry:
My Website: https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladie.com/www/artsieladie-poetry
PoetrySoup: http://www.poetrysoup.com/me/Artsieladie

All praise belongs to/with God.
Thinking of you with Love, Naomi, as I am in awe of all you've overcome
and still, yet, you're one of the most kindest, most understanding and caring people
I've had the pleasure of knowing and fortunate to be blessed with your friendship. ❣
Image credit goes to Billy Jacobs, a fabulous artist.

"Have a blessed day; count your blessings, every one,
As your day begins, throughout, and when your day is done."
~ Artsieladie Poetic Quote
Art by Artsieladie