Tuesday, September 19, 2017


Ahoy folks! 

Fer celebratin' Talk Like a Pirate Day, I be givin' this post a 'pirate' flavour. Hope ye all 'ave a fun day! 

"Th' Shadowed Heart"
Pixabay - free, public domain images
Full Size JPG:

Ye hide in th' shadows,
But I always know ye're thar.
Ye play pretend, an impostor,
'Cause ye do nah dare
T' show yer true face,
Th' real that's in ye.
Ye play yer silly games
That I can see right through ye.

But even in yer fake,
I can see yer real fer,
Despite all yer efforts,
Yer pretend cannot pilfer.
'Cause I clearly see ye
Nah through or wit' me eyes,
But wit' me lovin' heart,
Whence ye can nah disguise.

I do nah understand why
Ye feel this needs t' hide,
When thar's so much beauty
Within ye deep inside.
Why do ye insist upon
Th' dimmin' o' yer Light,
When it really wants t' shine,
Luminously 'n bright?

I wish that ye could see
Yer heart from me perspective,
Ye would know then yer beauty.
Ye'd change yer whole objective. 
I get angry 'n so frustrated
From all th' thin's do ye,
'Cause ye insist on hidin'
Th' real 'n best o' ye.

💗 Have a blessed day! ðŸ’—
Poem by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly 
©2014-03-16 13:07:00 (EST)
All rights reserved.
To see more posts, check out the Sitemap.

Graphic pen by Artsieladie

Website: www.artsieladie.com
Blog: http://artsieladie-creative-corner.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-heartbeats.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-quotes.blogspot.com/
Blog (here): http://artsieladie-rhymetyme.blogspot.com/ 

For more Artsieladie Poetry:
My Website: https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladie.com/www/artsieladie-poetry
PoetrySoup: http://www.poetrysoup.com/me/Artsieladie

Credits: Photo
Name: Mysticsartdesign
From Pixabay at: https://pixabay.com/p-1952069/?no_redirect
Image url: https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2017/01/04/14/00/pirate-1952069_960_720.jpg

"'ave a blessed day; count yer blessin's, every one,
As yer day begins, throughout, 'n when yer day be done."
~ Artsieladie Poetic Quote
Art by Artsieladie

Thursday, September 14, 2017


Howdy folks! 

This poem resulted from experiencing one too many times another person playing their head/mind games. Those who play head/mind games, do they think they're funny, cute, intelligent? I don't mind having a little fun, kidding around, and whatnot, but never to cause another harm, stress, or duress, because then it's not something enjoyable any longer. It's anything but.

Playing head games to torment someone is cruel, heartless, and so immature. No respectable person does such. So, what exactly does a player expect to reap? What exactly are they trying to prove and why? What for? Attention are they seeking? If they feel they have to prove something to others and/or even themselves, they're insecure, because a secure person knows who they are and likes who they are and therefore, has respect for themselves and so, secure people don't do stupid or silly actions that will make them lesser people. Children behave sometimes to gain/attract attention, but children are in their most formidable years and so, are learning. Some people need to grow up, I guess. *sigh*

I believe firmly in 'communication' that is honest, upfront, and clear. There's less room for misunderstandings and less chance for confusion as well as wrong assumptions to be made.

"Saying what you mean and meaning what you say
Makes everything easier and much better this way."
~ Artsieladie Quote 

(image pending)

People who play their head games, I wonder why they do,
For their lack of maturity clearly shows through.
A child is expected to, such silly games, play,
But an adult who's mature, puts childish games away.

To eliminate guesswork mature people know
Honest communication is the only way to go.
Hence, head games, the mature do not wish to play,
For they say what they mean and mean what they say.

Players, on the other hand, what do they wish to gain?
Certainly not respect for they'll likely get disdain. 
Respectable individuals do not appreciate
Head and mind games the Players like to instigate.

Beating around the bush, expecting others to guess;
Deliberately misleading but refusing to confess,
Is a player who won't choose to take a firm stand,
Since both sides of the fence on, they want to land.

Keeping avenues open so they never have to choose,
So they can tell themselves they don't ever lose,
Is the coward's way of living, feeding ego's pride,
Because they know they have not a backbone inside.

Through subtle, vague hints, the groundwork is laid,
Looking for, inviting, assumptions to be made,
So they can then declare the assumptions are all wrong,
Claim the fault and blame with others only does belong.

Presenting themselves as right and without error,
While making another of all the shame, the bearer,
In their childish minds, this is to them a score,
That in their shallow world, they aspire for.

Causing others to look and feel like they are jerks,
Is what Players think of life, are the prime perks.
If they can rally others to support their stupid games,
They can feel superior to then boast about, make claims.

Unfortunately, for Players, who they choose to be,
Their arrogance and ignorance inhibits them to see,
They are the fools; make themselves a laughing stock.
Ironically, it is they, who themselves, mock.

Players remain elusive while painting an illusion
Of sincerity and honesty, resenting a conclusion
Made by those who become wise to their petty games;
Who then alert others of a player's cunning aims.

Never trust Players, their intentions aren't pure;
For themselves only they seek, desire to secure,
What pleases them alone, often at others' expense,
Reaping all they can from both sides of the fence.

Since they keep their options open, Players won't commit,
Making their word meaningless, a pile of worthless sh**,
Which they try to change the smell of with perfume of lies,
But the fragrance of their dung, they can't for long disguise.

Since they prove to others, deception they keep sleeved,
Players can't be trusted, taken seriously, or believed.
Like the little boy who cried "Wolf"; too many times, played,
A player's honest plea others see as another game crusade.

There are many Players, but their goals are all the same,
To manipulate, exasperate; self serving is their game.
Parasitic creatures, who can't find solace in their being
Look to steal from others what within they aren't seeing.

The cruelest among the Players with others' feelings, toy,
Reeling in hearts through conning to trample and destroy;
To satisfy their arrogant ego, soothe an inner, empty feeling,
While their own happiness they prime for Karma to be stealing.

One with self respect wants no player as a lover or a friend,
As no one wants in their life a player with, they must contend.
Players may at first be successful with the games they play,
But as more see them clearly, their fake fortress falls away.

In the end the Players lose, when eventually they will learn,
When left with mirrors only of themselves, who also play to burn.
By living a life of playing games, causing others pain and grief,
Their own true happiness is stolen, of which they are the thief!

Karma has a way of getting even, equaling the score,
But Players fail to calculate what Karma holds in store.
All that's dished out must then one day be returned
And those who burn others, one day will find themselves burned.

💗 Have a blessed day! ðŸ’—
Poem by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly 
©2017-09-11 02:58:00 (EST)
All rights reserved.
To see more posts, check out the Sitemap.

Graphic pen by Artsieladie

Website: www.artsieladie.com
Blog: http://artsieladie-creative-corner.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-heartbeats.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-quotes.blogspot.com/
Blog (here): http://artsieladie-rhymetyme.blogspot.com/ 

For more Artsieladie Poetry:
My Website: https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladie.com/www/artsieladie-poetry
PoetrySoup: http://www.poetrysoup.com/me/Artsieladie

"Have a blessed day; count your blessings, every one,
As your day begins, throughout, and when your day is done."
~ Artsieladie Poetic Quote
Art by Artsieladie


Howdy folks! 

Each one of us is either on the side of solution or on the side of the problem. There is no middle ground or in between. Therefore, if our actions and behaviour aren't helping to contribute to, aren't geared towards, making improvements, making corrections, making things better and so forth, that then cumulatively is beneficial for all of us on the whole in some way 'selfLESSly', then we are contributing to the problem side.

Many think that doing nothing is okay, that by doing nothing, they aren't adding to the problem side. These people think it's not up to 'them'; it's up to everyone else, BUT them, to do their part in making things better. If how so many behave on the Internet is any indication, then apparently far too many are thinking this way. News flash! To make things better, all must add something positive so collectively, positive changes can be made. Nothing, doing nothing, is a 'negative' NOT a positive. Bullying, insulting, attacking others and shooting them down, etc. is definitely NOT a positive and IS definitely, part of the problem.

Also, when we learn of, thus know about wrongdoing going on, and we choose to do nothing, say nothing, we are then part of the problem because we "enable" the wrongdoing to continue; we offer NO resistance and hence, we therefore "provide assistance" to/for the wrongdoer and their wrongdoing. Doing nothing, saying nothing, works 'in favour of' the wrongdoer.

"There's a time for silence
And a time to speak;

We all should learn when
And which to seek."
~ Artsieladie Quote

But, I also think many people believe they can't make a difference by themselves and so, believing their efforts would be futile, they resign themselves to doing nothing. There's no one of us 'on our own' who can save the world. Impossible! But if we each do a little, collectively, cumulatively, we could, would change the world for the better. Altogether then, we become not only 'part of the solution' as individuals but we collectively become "the solution".

One would tend to think, we humans would have learned this by now with all of the disasters and catastrophes that have occurred all over the world for centuries. Whenever has it been 'just one person' making the recoveries of a disaster possible? There are no cases of such I know of. It's always a collective effort with all those contributing setting aside differences to help, who are therefore individually a part of the solution and collectively, become the solution. So, why aren't we realising this and doing likewise across the board with all aspects of our lives; with all the problems we encounter?

Love is humanity's Greatest Gift. When a disaster occurs, we see and hear about countless examples of Love through all the caring, kindness, helping/giving, empathy, compassion, etc.. We witness the magic! So, we KNOW Love is within us! But instead of us humans continuing to keep paying the Love forward, applying the magic, so many slam on the brakes and resort back to petty bickering and all else the absence of Love perpetuates.

Love is the true essence of humanity. With all the catastrophic events we've been through and still, the lesson of Love we are NOT learning! In spite of having the lesson taught to us a gazillion times, we are flunking the course! Intelligent species!? Humans on the whole can't even learn the simple lessons of Love; that Love IS and holds the key, the answers to world-wide peace and harmony! Instead, we carry on with wars and violence and killing and destruction; stealing, conniving, insulting, imposing, and the list goes on and on! Regardless of what religion or not, humans are NOT getting the message! Thousands and thousands and thousands of years and humans still appear to be absolutely clueless! Are humans really this stupid?

An intelligent person is one who's gained/absorbed a wealth of knowledge. Wisdom is one who has also but the difference is, a person of wisdom applies the knowledge in a way that's beneficial to others besides themselves, since in addition to intelligence and by utilizing that intelligence, they learn the human ego is nothing more than an illusion, a fallacy, and wise people deal with real not fake, superficial, or fallacies. Hence, 'on the whole' humans may be an intelligent species, but 'on the whole' humans aren't very wise. Add arrogance (ego in control) to this, and well, the picture speaks for itself. I'm speaking about humans here 'on the whole' because we all know there are and have been throughout time, some amazing humans. I know and have known a few myself.

Lasting, sustainable solutions are found through applying characteristics of Love, especially humility, because in the presence of humility being cultivated is the absence of ego's influence, since these two traits can't co-exist in the same capacity. The ego causes problems and inhibits solutions, since ego is all about self: thinking of and promoting self. So, invariably, by allowing our ego to control us, thus define us, we then also allow our ego to confine us, rewarding us with closed minds, closed hearts, incapable then of understanding or even wanting to understand from any perspective other than our own, making us rigid and unyielding, as well as unwilling to see and acknowledge our shortcomings and mistakes, and should we feel forced to, we then become belligerent, even obnoxious, as we then just resort to insulting and fault finding of the other side. We can't tackle and resolve a problem, if we're more preoccupied with tackling, attacking each other. ..And on the larger scale involving countries, more specifically those running countries, THIS results in wars. Totally unproductive and definitely destructive! 

We all have shortcomings and we all make mistakes, but those who are controlled by their ego, this fact they don't want to acknowledge, much less, accept and definitely not do they want to have these pointed out to them. Then when you have ego on both sides, you have an undeniable impasse, an absolute deadlock, making a solution, a resolving of differences, completely impossible.

I dare say the human ego is going to be the one contributing factor that's going to destroy humanity because it's our ego that's behind so many of the negative traits so many are feeding and thus projecting. Bullying, bashing, insulting, imposing, harassing, etc. are ego based. All sorts of crimes committed against others, like infringing on the rights of others, stealing, assaulting, and even murder and rape, the ego has involvement with, since ego is not about accountability. Ego is about justification, providing the host of with excuses and since ego is deceptive, ego condones lying and deception, even deceiving the person it's controlling. Therefore, humility, truth and honesty are not only foreign concepts to ego, they are seen as enemies. Since ego is all about self, self promotion, self gratification, and anything and everything for self, the ego supports and promotes such traits as greed/lust, power hunger, and superiority.

Ego, as are all the other traits both positive and negative, is within each of us, whether we like it or not. But we are all also given 'free will' to choose for ourselves, which and what we allow to be predominant or recessive. The secret to having integrity, virtue, and an overall character of excellence is not the absence of negative traits nor denying their presence, but rather cultivating an awareness of their existence within us and then keeping them in check while empowering the positive traits, and in so doing, we cultivate humility. As long as we cultivate humility, we control our ego, since by being humble, we recognise and accept that we are not perfect or infallible, that we do make mistakes and we do have shortcomings, all of which are repulsive to the ego, as are the positive traits, humility promotes, especially when we show caring and compassion for and understanding of others, since ego is all about and promotes self.

So, back to being part of the solution or part of the problem. So many aren't part of the solution and therefore, inadvertently, are part of the problem. What's the inhibitor? Being part of the solution does not mean we have to do some sort of super, over-the-top deed. Although money can certainly help in devastating events, there's something much more important and substantial that we ALL can do, and will cost us nothing in our wallets nor will this cost us a large amount of our precious time. It's very simple, yet with profound effects, especially when many participate and especially since it's contagious. But it will require us to subdue our ego. 

Perhaps then, it's our ego inhibiting us. Hence, the bit lengthy, aforementioned subject matter. The ego is very touchy. Do we dare address our ego to allow the essence of humanity to flow from us? ..To spread among us? ..To connect us? ..To unite us? Aren't we capable of being nice, caring, kind, compassionate, considerate, thoughtful, etc. or are we humans on the whole too attached, too chained to our egos? Being still a believer in with hope for humanity and the tremendous power of the human spirit, most especially collectively, I certainly hope not.

"Solution OR Problem"

Part of the problem or of the solution
Depends upon one's contribution.
There's only two sides, no middle ground,
No place in between can there be found.

To be part of the solution, one must be
Doing SOMEthing for and productively
To resolve, correct, counteract,
In SOME way doing a selfLESS act.

If part of the solution, one is not,
Then to the problem they add, allot.
Since they provide no resistance,
To the problem they give assistance. 

Those who do nothing either way,
Are part of the problem anyway.
For those who do nothing, they enable,
Thus fit and wear the problem label.

Those who do wrong of various kinds,
Regardless what type that undermines,
Violates another's rights and space,
Are the problem; are a disgrace.

Such individuals destroy our peace,
Create problems for stress increase
And if we do nothing, then we are too,
Part of the problem with blame due.

So many think, seem to perceive
That doing nothing will relieve
Them of their duty and obligation,
But instead, they join the causation.

To all those of you who are doing wrong,
Knowingly, willingly, then you belong
With being branded not just the part,
But of the problem, you're at the heart.

Part of the problem or of the solution
Depends on for which, your contribution.
Those doing nothing and/or doing wrong
ARE the problems and help them along.

So, I ask, on which side are you;
Which side do you contribute to?
On the side of solution OR the other side
Do you choose to be, do you decide?

"Solution OR problem; no middle ground,
One side OR the other, we each are found.
We cannot be on both or in between;
Solution OR problem, we choose which scene."

💗 Have a blessed day! ðŸ’—
Poem by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly 
©2017-09-13 22:37:00 (EST)
All rights reserved.
To see more posts, check out the Sitemap.

Graphic pen by Artsieladie

Website: www.artsieladie.com
Blog: http://artsieladie-creative-corner.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-heartbeats.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-quotes.blogspot.com/
Blog (here): http://artsieladie-rhymetyme.blogspot.com/ 

For more Artsieladie Poetry:
My Website: https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladie.com/www/artsieladie-poetry
PoetrySoup: http://www.poetrysoup.com/me/Artsieladie

"Have a blessed day; count your blessings, every one,
As your day begins, throughout, and when your day is done."
~ Artsieladie Poetic Quote
Art by Artsieladie

Friday, September 8, 2017


Howdy folks! 

Having experienced a tremendous loss, losing my beloved Mother, this poem touches on the effects/repercussions of a great loss and the resulting grief. People will say, "It will get easier with time."

It's been over ten years since I lost my Mom. She was my rock, my mentor, my hero, my inspiration, my motivation, a best friend whom I could trust her with anything and I could always rely on her to speak to me honestly even when I didn't necessarily want to hear the truth. She was a lady, modest, with strong convictions and principles, which she lived by. She had a very strong faith in God, which she relied and depended upon to get her through her struggles in life, and she had many hardships and heartaches to bear. My Mom's life was never easy, but even so, she never lost her sense of humour and her laugh was hearty and contagious. My Mom was a very strong woman of integrity and virtue and I will always be eternally grateful that God blessed me with a Mom who provided me with a wonderful example for me to aspire to live my life as she did. God couldn't have given me a better example.

But in regards to the 'getting easier' part of missing her, an unfillable void doesn't get easier. You just make adjustments to be able to bear the pain and grief of the loss better, pushing it deeper inside you so you can conceal the pain from others, because very few want to hear or know about it. Smile and the whole world will smile with you, but cry and you'll cry alone. People love to label others' pain as 'drama' until it's 'their' pain. Then it becomes 'real' to them and so, a much different scenario, no longer labeled as 'drama'.

"Drama is labeled 'just drama' when it's someone else's pain
And doesn't become a real crisis until it hits one's home domain."

~ Artsieladie Quote 

"There's no pain greater than the pain within,
Deeply concealed behind a smile, a grin."
~ Artsieladie Quote 

"The loss of a beloved creates an empty space
That NO other can ever fill or ever replace."
~ Artsieladie Quote 

Poem/art by Artsieladie Poem/art by Artsieladie
Full Size PNG:
Page 1: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEggK2TFIyd1cNjo3xNKq5VHqJ7l6AogIwsI8S9bmIs1hk-Gi-XWcUDCcCjf-jPUoekXHMFuhQRFdxWW4I8wszwbddSIr8m-5qBGtEYR5cxqnKqUDqGNRhxuKABXj7nScsLiIsDb9l7BVZ8/s792/Grief-PageOne-ByArtsieladie2017-02-01_8.5x11_72res.png
Page 2: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjmA-fliuVaacPxUUXaG9ums5YzYYhY-xSkqEKswB3n4zpUxA7ywCmyNbMmQ1VOu1Zfgu5eDBCzjpidoBIB55O_aEytetrGLVJgMzrR4GiTUe8mHd1z6nXANUr-y3no9my2sTyQCWI9Sok/s792/Grief-PageTwo-ByArtsieladie2017-02-01_8.5x11_72res.png

"When pain is fresh and raw, others will extend
Sympathy to soothe a bit but sympathy has an end.
Meanwhile, the pain lingers on, absent of relief,
And sympathy fades away but not so, the Grief."

Time may lessen the rawness and the shock, remove,
But time can't undo a loss, an empty space improve.
Memories we have made must then us, console,
But memories cannot replace the missing of a soul.

Such a void cannot be filled, no matter how we try;
Questions can't be answered, especially those of why.
Still, we must carry on as usual, as we did before,
Expected to be again okay; our former selves, restore.

Thankfully, most pain in life that we must endure,
Time helps to heal and provides us with a cure.
But then there are the pains that time cannot relieve;
That we cannot escape from, always we will grieve.

Learning to live again and function as we should
Is a task unpleasant with guilt when we feel good.
But we must come to grips with, though of us, it's part;
We must find a way to cope with a new hole in our heart.

Moving on is tough when feeling like you're standing still,
While others carry on with life and happiness they till.
In the quicksand of Grief, it's a struggle to get free,
Especially when you're left alone, others cannot see.

It's vital to remember that when it comes to Grief,
There is no specific time frame nor is the time brief.
Yes, we must live our lives but remember to extend
Our empathy to those who's Grief may never end.

The reality of a loss often comes with a period of delay
And doesn't settle in until all others have gone away.
When alone, the Grief stricken experience for real
The greatness of their loss, profoundly and surreal.

It's easy to get caught up in life, forget those in need,
Especially those who seem okay, offer not a plead,
But there is no greater pain than of the Grief within,
Masked behind the visible by careful discipline.

Though sympathy fades away, the Grief still remains
Long after the condolences, lingers still, the pains. 
We must not expect others to handle as we would,
Their Grief and pain, as we think they should.

Folks handle Grief differently for reasons to abate.
Sometimes we can't understand how they do equate.
But agreement is not paramount for to take place,
Compassion and empathy, done so with grace.

Words like, "I'm so sorry", don't really solace bring;
To one grieving from a loss, they don't really mean a thing.
For such words can't bring back a cherished Loved one, dear;
While listening helps a griever to release their pain, severe.

It's best to be kind to others because we never know,
What inside they're suffering with but doesn't show.
If we try always to treat others as we would like to be,
Those with Grief suffering, we won't add to their misery.

"Remember the Golden Rule,
'Tis golden for a reason;
'Tis never out of style
Nor ever out of season."

💗 Have a blessed day! ðŸ’—
Poem/art/quotes by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly 
©2017-02-01 23:45:00 (EST)
All rights reserved.
To see more posts, check out the Sitemap.

Graphic pen by Artsieladie

Website: www.artsieladie.com
Blog: http://artsieladie-creative-corner.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-heartbeats.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-quotes.blogspot.com/
Blog (here): http://artsieladie-rhymetyme.blogspot.com/ 

For more Artsieladie Poetry:
My Website: https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladie.com/www/artsieladie-poetry
PoetrySoup: http://www.poetrysoup.com/me/Artsieladie

"Have a blessed day; count your blessings, every one,
As your day begins, throughout, and when your day is done."
~ Artsieladie Poetic Quote
Art by Artsieladie


Howdy folks! 

"The best teacher in life, IS life."
~ Artsieladie Quote 

"University Of Life"
(image pending)

From the school of Hard Knocks, Life's University;
A student of progressive learning, a grad to never be.
For this course of study, there is not an end,
Until my time is up with hope to Heaven, I'll ascend.

With a multitude of lessons of varying degrees;
Some very complicated, some through, I can breeze.
Then there are those that I must keep repeating
Until the lesson's learned. Life forbids cheating.

The most valuable lessons though, if them, I'm to land,
Come mainly through and by experience, only first hand.
These lessons can be the toughest when I'm badly burned,
But once made through, these lessons never are unlearned.

Always a 'work in progress' with a goal that is set
To build on, improve myself, and lest I should forget,
Life will remind me, use my conscience purposely to gain
My attention unpleasantly until back on track again.

With the University Of Life, there's attendance every day,
Since Life takes no vacations and grants no vacation pay.
Classes are in session always, seven days a week.
Tardiness is frowned upon for anyone who will seek.

As with any learning, Life works best with a willing student,
If one is to evolve, gain wisdom, be humble along with prudent.
The levels we achieve in Life in our character, reflects,
Based on what we've earned not what our ego's pride projects.

There are no report cards for there is no need,
Since Life rewards in accordance with, per every deed.
All progressive students learn at different rates,
Learn different lessons in accordance with their fates.

Since every student has a uniquely different course,
With lessons in different order from a different source,
Each student in their learning is where they need to be,
Learning lessons some have learned; others yet to see.

A progressive student learns Life brings surprises,
Some good, some bad, and some hidden in disguises
And Life is ever changing to keep us on our toes,
Encountering the flower OR the thorns of the rose.

In the learning process, Life teaches what to value most;
What to cultivate within us; what type of pride to host.
For an eager student who desires to achieve integrity,
Life has special challenges to be met but not easily.

Life's lessons may be hard, some horrible to bear,
But all in all we come through better for the wear.
For each lesson that we learn, more strength we achieve,
More courage we obtain, we can rely on and believe.

Somewhere along the way we learn about perspective
And which priorities should be in our main objective.
Priorities in Life are essential if we are to spare
Ourselves from the grief of regret, burdensome to bear.

But Life is not all work with never any play.
In between and during lessons, Life finds a way
To bring us joy and happiness, in abundance we can reap,
With peace in our hearts we can hold onto and keep.

With Life's lessons that we learn and if we learn them well,
All the precious gifts of, number more than I can ever tell.
But all that's good and beautiful can't be truly appreciated,
Without some bad and ugly for comparison, well illustrated.

Although there are no diplomas, there is great reward,
When for my character, integrity I've earned and scored,
Gaining self worth, esteem, confidence, and discipline,
All combined with humility, is most definitely a win.

So, yes, I am a student of the University Of Life,
The school of Hard Knocks with lots of stress and strife.
But I would not trade this for all of China's tea,
Because all the lessons learned have made a wiser, better me!

And yes, I am still enrolled for work on me's not done.
I'll be a 'work in progress' until my last setting sun.
In progressive learning I've yet to learn many lessons still
And if I'm a humble, willing student, somehow I know I will.

💗 Have a blessed day! ðŸ’—
Poem by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly 
©2017-09-08 03:03:00 (EST)
All rights reserved.
To see more posts, check out the Sitemap.

Graphic pen by Artsieladie

Website: www.artsieladie.com
Blog: http://artsieladie-creative-corner.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-heartbeats.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-quotes.blogspot.com/
Blog (here): http://artsieladie-rhymetyme.blogspot.com/ 

For more Artsieladie Poetry:
My Website: https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladie.com/www/artsieladie-poetry
PoetrySoup: http://www.poetrysoup.com/me/Artsieladie

"Have a blessed day; count your blessings, every one,
As your day begins, throughout, and when your day is done."
~ Artsieladie Poetic Quote
Art by Artsieladie


Howdy folks! 

I could write a book on this subject (but I won't now), filled with numerous examples of being a giving person, only to be royally unappreciated, to put it mildly. For thinking with my heart and giving to others, whether helping them or the actual giving of something to them, I have experienced receiving both gratitude and appreciation AND the exact opposite as well. True giving or selfless giving is expecting nothing in return. But this also includes, with giving one doesn't expect to be crapped on, used and abused, kicked to the curb, have their character assassinated, bullied, belittled, ostracised, etc., either.

When you experience such unappreciative behaviour, you almost regret helping/giving to the receiving party or parties but then you realise there's no wrong in selfless giving. If there's any wrong to be done, it can only be on the receiving end, should the receiver(s) be unappreciative and abusive in return. When we give/help selflessly, this reflects well on/for us. If on the receiving end, however, the receiver treats the giver badly, it's a bad reflection on them and them ONLY.

One of the quotes I've authored, "Giving is the joy of living", is a favourite of mine for good reason. When we give to others, when we help others, the feeling inside is indescribable. By gifting others we gift ourselves inadvertently because we feel a sense of value, of self worth, about ourselves when we give to and/or help others. Everyone needs to and should feel and know they have value. Everyone does have something to contribute, to add that's positive and beneficial, but it's up to the individual as to whether or not they add OR they instead, subtract. Humility promotes giving. Ego promotes taking. 

"Givers Vs Takers"
Poem/art by Artsieladie Poem/art by Artsieladie
Full Size PNG:
Page 1: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhZMP4giJ35V87vn3le6nB_rcnjHAHUsTaBs5TMdWDJyM4Plqwix7WxGcolUNmPuUYeDnkjiZaFfCXJVBvvWtcYdEliAt7_ITNfeUO50a931iYJnwqanb-RrEs4Mz4CFa5nsfElB5JFQpk/s792/GiversVsTakers-PageOne-ByArtsieladie2016-10-29_8.5x11_72res.png
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One can be a giver, give with all they can give;
In others' times of need, help them to better live.
But when the tables are turned, the giver is in need,
Those who the giver helped are likely not to heed.

So often it is said, "What you give you will receive",
But this is rarely true; it's not a saying to believe.
Gratefulness for giving's short lived, quickly fades away,
While memories of one's lesser traits linger on and stay.

When you can serve one's purpose, you'll then splendid be,
But when you can no longer do so, you'll be forgotten history.
Memories don't last in regards to good deeds one has done,
But one's shortcomings, remembered always is each and every one.

The world is full of takers looking to receive,
Ready, willing, able from givers to retrieve.
But the world of givers is in very short supply
And when a giver needs, takers pass them by.

Is it any wonder our world is in such a state,
When taking's automatic but giving needs debate?
Materialistic possessions, one's character, they define,
While integrity is lost from our character's design.

What happened to the saying. "One hand washes the other"?
Aren't we all supposed to be helping one another?
Why do we share so much about all the sentiment
Involving human values when none of it is meant?

We humans talk a good game, but all it is, is talk
When so few actually are walking their talk's walk.
Humanity has become so fake and superficial.
Real is rebuked and replaced with artificial.

One can be a giver, give with all they've got,
But when the giver needs, takers budge not
To lend a helping hand, to even a finger, lift;
Are glad to accept but stingy with the giving gift.

"Giving is the joy of living", this I still believe
Even though a foreign concept many can't perceive.
But givers are a dying breed while takers populate
More and more the masses to more taking, generate.

Those who have the least, generally give the most,
While the biggest takers of their possessions, boast.
The more people have, the more they desire,
And giving becomes less as more they acquire.

The more a person has, the more they want and will take,
Even if it means from those who so little earnings make.
As money and possessions become their inner drive,
Greed infects their heart, where compassion cannot thrive.

Givers number less; takers number more.
As the scale keeps tipping in favour for
The takers, they’ll eventually possess and own
A greedy world of taking to be for takers all alone.

💗 Have a blessed day! ðŸ’—
Poem/art by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly 
©2016-10-29 02:41:00 (EST)
All rights reserved.
To see more posts, check out the Sitemap.

Graphic pen by Artsieladie

Website: www.artsieladie.com
Blog: http://artsieladie-creative-corner.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-heartbeats.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-quotes.blogspot.com/
Blog (here): http://artsieladie-rhymetyme.blogspot.com/ 

For more Artsieladie Poetry:
My Website: https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladie.com/www/artsieladie-poetry
PoetrySoup: http://www.poetrysoup.com/me/Artsieladie

"Have a blessed day; count your blessings, every one,
As your day begins, throughout, and when your day is done."
~ Artsieladie Poetic Quote
Art by Artsieladie

Thursday, September 7, 2017


Howdy folks! 

"Be the best of who you are and your reflection will speak
Volumes for your character, wonderfully unique."
~ Artsieladie Quote 

Poem/art by Artsieladie
Full Size PNG:

BE bold enough without insulting,
To make for yourself the choice,
To speak out against the wrongs
And for good, to use your voice.

BE brave enough, with honesty,
To listen and to follow your heart,
To BE yourself the best, BE real,
And project your truest part.

BE strong enough to BE humble
To acknowledge your mistakes,
To set aside your ego and pride,
Knowing integrity this makes.

BE confident enough to BE caring
Without for thyself in mind,
To BE compassionate with others,
Understanding and BE kind.

BE courageous enough to live your life,
As you imagine, in your dreams create,
Always with gratitude in your heart,
Allow your passions to motivate.

💗 Have a blessed day! ðŸ’—
Poem/art by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly 
©2015-03-17 06:38:00 (EST)
All rights reserved.
To see more posts, check out the Sitemap.

Graphic pen by Artsieladie

Website: www.artsieladie.com
Blog: http://artsieladie-creative-corner.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-heartbeats.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-quotes.blogspot.com/
Blog (here): http://artsieladie-rhymetyme.blogspot.com/ 

For more Artsieladie Poetry:
My Website: https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladie.com/www/artsieladie-poetry
PoetrySoup: http://www.poetrysoup.com/me/Artsieladie

Inspirational credit:
+Arshad Siddiqui 

"Have a blessed day; count your blessings, every one,
As your day begins, throughout, and when your day is done."
~ Artsieladie Poetic Quote
Art by Artsieladie

Sunday, September 3, 2017


Howdy folks! 

Regret is one of those negative emotions that like other negatives, such as guilt, resentment, bitterness, jealousy, etc., rob us of the feeling of peace and contentment and subtract from our true joy and happiness as well. The more negative traits and feelings we allow to have power within us, the less joy, happiness, peace, and contentment we feel and the more miserable we are and the more contempt we have then for ourselves, which then we ultimately project. All anyone has to do is just look around, especially all over the Internet, especially through social media, to see the negative behaviour to know there are way too many miserable people out there.

Keeping ourselves free of regret and regret's guilt involves how well we have our priorities in the right order. So many are consumed with making money beyond what is needed to live and want, want, want materialistic things, possessions, and are so wrapped up in such, have no time to spare for those they truly Love and cherish, including not enough time to even express to their Loved ones what and how much they mean to them. So, ultimately we set ourselves up for regret and its guilt to eventually plague us.

The one aspect that especially comes with regret and its guilt, is you have to live with it as long as you live because you can never right it because once a person passes away, they're gone from us, from the life we are currently living, therefore, leaving us with NO recourse.

I am a firm believer in letting someone know they are Loved, they are respected, they've done something good, etc.. When we put off the opportunity, we gamble with fate, with time, and so, if we reap regret, we have no one to blame but ourselves. There's not one of us who knows when our time is up nor when someone else's time is up who we admire, Love, respect, etc.. If we are mean, hurtful, etc., these may be either our last words or the last words another one hears.

"Yesterday is gone; tomorrow may never be.
Today is all we have with a guarantee."
~ Artsieladie Quote 

Poem/art/quote by Artsieladie Poem/art/quote by Artsieladie
Full Size PNG:
Page 1: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiNI3Ah0ZevODhwF4mQnLaHcrBdA_Fh5LsT52qXAVZ7RI1g-zX428kqVaV22UzRDk0Krj3oRPa_2YZKdtpUkDf8adAZx4rRhzvjngpOfiLgCNIHKHKbWkegKB5QVH1EFAyyK9rHqfTk6yk/s792/Regret-PageOne-ByArtsieladie2017-08-28_612x792.png
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When we put on hold, procrastinate,
With important matters, we hesitate,
Like telling those we Love how much we do,
Thinking there's always tomorrow for us to
Say to another how about them we feel,
Gambling with time that time won't steal
From us more chances we're delaying,
Blaming circumstances to keep from saying
What's true and real  within our heart,
What's within us, our deepest part,
The day will come when time runs out,
When we will learn well, all about
How Regret with guilt has us, burned,
And the lesson too late, we have learned.

When a Loved one's gone, they're forever gone,
Never again will they greet a day's new dawn.
All our money and our prized possessions;
All our many excuses and our obsessions
Cannot reverse, turn back the hands of fate,
Leaving our Regret in a fixed, forever state.
There's nothing we can do when time has run out
For ourselves and others, a fact with no doubt.
Knowing this, still, we gamble there will be
Another day awaiting, another we will see,
When we will then take the time before its end
To express our Love and caring and we will spend
Time with those we Love, more memories to make,
Until we're hit with reality; back, we cannot take.

When we're left with guilt from our lack of time spent
And also with Regret because words to say, we meant,
We have to face ourselves knowing we are to blame
And the fault is ours alone intertwined with shame.
All these heavy burdens we must wear and bear
All on our own since with others we cannot share.
But what we bring upon ourselves as an adult,
We must be accountable for what's our own fault.
When we take for granted those we Love and cherish
And they're lost from us forever when they perish,
We not only lose them, but our inner peace as well,
For grief with Regret runs deep within us to dwell.

In the grand scheme of life, what matters not
Is our money and possessions we have got,
For when our Loved ones, we most treasure
Are gone from us, there is no measure
Of the loss we feel, a loss so profoundly great,
Our money and possessions can’t cancel out, negate.
Yet, still we gamble with those we Love
And life's true meaning, we lose sight of,
To seek fulfillment where there is none,
Only to find wasted time cannot be undone.
"Time wasted is time lost,
We realise though, not the cost,
Until time wasted brings remorse
With no escape or recourse."

💗 Have a blessed day! ðŸ’—
Poem/art/quotes by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly 
©2017-08-28 22:16:00 (EST)
All rights reserved.
To see more posts, check out the Sitemap.

Graphic pen by Artsieladie

Website: www.artsieladie.com
Blog: http://artsieladie-creative-corner.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-heartbeats.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-quotes.blogspot.com/
Blog (here): http://artsieladie-rhymetyme.blogspot.com/ 

For more Artsieladie Poetry:
My Website: https://sites.google.com/a/artsieladie.com/www/artsieladie-poetry
PoetrySoup: http://www.poetrysoup.com/me/Artsieladie

"Have a blessed day; count your blessings, every one,
As your day begins, throughout, and when your day is done."
~ Artsieladie Poetic Quote
Art by Artsieladie