Howdy folks! ♥
"The more we want to possess,
The more we invite added stress;
Our contentment and peace of mind
And true happiness, not apt to find."
~ Artsieladie Quote ♥
"Gardener Of Love"
(image pending)
I'm not rich with money
And be, I never will
For it's not a path I've chosen
Nor in my garden, till.
Other things matter most
And always will to me,
Things born of Love
Our eyes can never see.
Only a humble heart
Can in their heart sow
The seeds producing flowers
Of Love to then only grow.
There is no room for ego;
There is no room for hate,
Nor for greed and selfishness,
With Love inside a garden's gate.
When we plant the seeds of Love,
It's a priceless, worthy toil,
Since all opposing weeds
Are then banished from our soil.
All the weeds of traits
Upon which the ego feeds,
Will have nowhere to germinate,
Where Love is all that breeds.
As with any garden growing,
There's a need for rays of sun,
But too, there must be rain
For growing to be done.
As better gardeners we become,
We learn that toil and pain
We must endure and overcome,
If we hope to harvest gain.
When we fertilize with kindness,
With compassion and with care,
With empathy and forgiveness,
We'll have lots of Love to share.
As our garden grows in riches
That can't be by money bought,
Only those with weedy gardens will
Resent us for what they haven't got.
Blessings we tend to overlook
And not realised, hence, before,
Love gives us the vision to see
How blessed we are and more.
Then for our many blessings,
With gratitude, we garnish
Our garden with more beauty,
To polish, instead of tarnish.
In the process of our growing
We learn what matters most,
That humility and modesty
Trumps ego within us to host.
We learn money and possessions
Are at best barely secondary
And cultivating traits of Love
Are foremost, first, and primary.
We learn that contentment
And a peaceful state of mind,
Brings happiness and joy
That by money we can't find.
We learn that our wants
Become then less and less;
As long as our needs are met,
Our life reaps happiness.
When our needs are met
Is when we have enough;
Is when we feel contentment,
With no want for other stuff.
I'm not rich with money
And be, I never will
But my garden's rich with Love,
Since Love I choose to till.
I'm not rich with money;
It matters not to me,
For I'm a Gardener Of Love,
As God wants me to be.
💗 Have a blessed day! 💗
Poem by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly
©2018-09-28 11:48:00 (EDT)
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Inspired by Mohammad Zafarullah Khan Marwat and the poem he shared, "Drinking From The Saucer" by John Paul Moore. A heart that can and does appreciate this poem, is a heart truly blessed. ♥
"Have a blessed day; count your blessings, every one,
As your day begins, throughout, and when your day is done."
~ Artsieladie Poetic Quote
Howdy folks! ♥
"The person who we are; the person who we carve
All depends upon what we feed and what we starve."
~ Artsieladie Quote ♥
"Stew Of Life"
(image pending)
Think of your life as a delicious stew or sauce,
The more you keep it cooking, the less you'll want to toss,
If you're adding ingredients, character delicious
And for your soul, spiritually nutritious.
You will relish its flavour more, through and through,
The more you keep it cooking, the more you stir your stew.
The better it becomes, the better sauce you'll make,
If you keep your Stew Of Life cooking, barring any fake.
Ingredients added to your pot, keep adding to restore,
Things not to be forgot, like Love, kindness, more.
Ingredients to omit, so your stew gets bitter not,
Are hate, resentment, jealousy kept out of your pot.
It's important, too, to keep your flame adjusted
Stirring at a simmer, parts won't then get crusted.
Neither will your stew scorch, on the bottom, burn,
If you remember to keep giving your stew another turn.
Your stew will then be tasty, inviting, and delicious;
Your stew will warm hearts, be sustaining and nutritious.
Create your own blend, one that others cannot clone,
For you want your stew to be unique and all your own.
How you treat others' hearts, what you add to your stew,
Speaks in volumes unabridged, the unique dish of you.
Whether to be savoured or a flavour to refuse,
It's all up to you by the ingredients that you use.
💗 Have a blessed day! 💗
Poem by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly
©2018-09-30 17:53:00 (EDT)
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"Have a blessed day; count your blessings, every one,
As your day begins, throughout, and when your day is done."
~ Artsieladie Poetic Quote
Howdy folks! ♥
"With the right approach, ANY problem can be solved,
When BOTH sides decide to keep their ego uninvolved."
~ Artsieladie Quote ♥
"Talking Through Our Problems"
(image pending)
Talking Through Our Problems with the intent to resolve,
We deny the elements in our nature, preventing us to solve.
Talking Through Our Problems with resolution as our goal,
We exhibit we want harmony among us and every living soul.
Talking Through Our Problems with our egos set aside,
Problems get solved and guilt can't then hitch a ride.
Talking Through Our Problems with an honest, open frame of mind,
Valuable lessons are learned and when we're considerate and kind.
Egocentric people are immature, like to keep the drama stirred
And have no desire for solutions, as dissension is preferred.
Since their ego must be pleased, they must have their own way,
Making compromise impossible and resolutions kept in delay.
Talking Through Our Problems without the need to be right,
We allow our vision to expand to make greater then, our sight.
Talking Through Our Problems being honest and sincere,
We cultivate our courage to be greater than our fear.
Talking Through Our Problems, mindfully with respect,
Our personal differences have no influence, have no effect.
Talking Through Our Problems knowing we all have faults,
Blame becomes pointless among mature, rational adults.
Humble folks are more mature; they seek peace and harmony
And have learned the value of selflessness, as well, integrity.
Humble folks have open hearts without their ego in control
And therefore, value others' feelings that matter on the whole.
Talking Through Our Problems, violence is not a choice;
Revenge is off the table with understanding in our voice.
Talking Through Our Problems, we seek to compromise,
Where all sides give and take to reach a mutual enterprise.
Talking Through Our Problems to confront them fair and square,
Relieved then are our hearts, leaving us peace within to bear.
Talking Through Our Problems, the problems go away,
No longer lingering to steal our peace on any future day.
The wisest folks among us know, to avoid extra grief and misery,
Problems must be addressed and solved to keep peace and harmony.
Talking Through Our Problems to seek and obtain resolutions,
Minus the stupidness of our ego, we're wiser to then find solutions.
💗 Have a blessed day! 💗
Poem by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly
©2018-09-26 19:39:00 (EDT)
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"Have a blessed day; count your blessings, every one,
As your day begins, throughout, and when your day is done."
~ Artsieladie Poetic Quote
Howdy folks! ♥
"Friends are blessings in our life,
Who with us share both joy and strife."
~ Artsieladie Quote ♥
"With Friends We Fly"
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With Friends We Fly,
With friends we soar.
With friends we cry,
With friends we roar.
With friends we shine,
With friends we glow.
With friends we learn,
With friends we grow.
With friends we bond,
With friends we share.
With friends we give,
With friends we care.
With Friends We Fly,
With friends we land.
With friends we Love,
With friends we stand.
💗 Have a blessed day! 💗
Poem by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly
©2014-09-17 08:16:00 (EDT)
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Inspired by ARshad Siddiqui
Image courtesy:
"Have a blessed day; count your blessings, every one,
As your day begins, throughout, and when your day is done."
~ Artsieladie Poetic Quote
Howdy folks! ♥
This is a story in the form of a poem about an abused horse and the girl who healed the horse's broken trust and spirit through her Love and kindness. There's a moral to this story, of course. Healing can happen with all our wounds, if we allow Love in our hearts to work its magic. I hope you enjoy! ♥
"The Visit"
Photo courtesy of
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My name is Lemon, without the 'ade'.
Not for my colour though, hue or shade,
For I'm a pinto with brown and white,
Said to be pretty from distant sight.
But up close is a different matter
Or so it's said among human chatter.
My outlook on life is rather grim.
Seeing my sweet side is very slim.
As my name is indicative of,
I'm bitter, too sour for human Love.
Human hands have been unkind;
Have left me in this frame of mind.
Thus humans in general pass me by,
Care not to learn about the why
Or what brought me to my current state,
And made too fearful to change my fate.
My trust is gone, my spirit's broken.
Human abuse, neglect has left its token.
Although I'm now in a better place,
Where every human has a kinder face,
Memories rooted have made their bed,
Are overgrown and deep inside my head.
So, when human kindness comes my way,
I'm still trapped in my yesterday.
I long for the Love and the caring I see
Shown to my stall mates so liberally,
But there seems to be an invisible wall,
I feel so isolated inside my stall.
No human is willing to take the chance
To befriend me in my lonely circumstance.
But then one day my stall door opens wide
And a girl named Shelby slips through inside.
She has with her a book and a chair
And by the door she sits quietly there.
She says nothing to me as I roll my eyes,
Pin back my ears with my defensive disguise.
She just opens the book and starts to read,
Pays no mind, giving my 'tude not a heed.
With myself positioned against the farthest wall,
And what seemed like forever, as I do recall,
She sat quite still, read and munched a bit,
While I pawed and snorted and threw a fit.
But all of my antics she simply ignored,
As into her book, her attention she poured.
"Hmmm.. This is a human unlike all the rest,
Who hasn't run, although I've tried my best
To frighten her and to scare her away.
Yet, here she sits. Is she here to stay?"
Up until now I've been preoccupied
With antics to cover my fear inside,
But now my defenses are slowly receding,
As a new feeling has begun proceeding.
I detect an aroma, my nose is seizing,
One I vaguely remember, but so pleasing.
Now that my focus has been altered bunches,
I can hear, see, and smell, what on she crunches.
As my mouth waters at the sound and the smell,
I can't deny myself what I'd like as well.
Slowly, gingerly, I venture in her direction,
Pausing repeatedly still fearing rejection.
For the first time, she looks up from her reading
And she smiles at me with a friendly, warm greeting.
She pulls something out from the bag she's carrying,
Offers it to me but fear is toughest when burying.
Though my ears are pricked forward in anticipation,
There's rippling through me a strong sensation.
Like electrical shock waves, old memories ignite,
Seizing like demons to keep me trapped in fright.
Though I hear her voice beckoning, calling to me,
Old memories revived block out her kindness to see.
With ears pinned back and fear in the driving seat,
Back against the wall like before, I again retreat.
I watch her closely, expect her to leave,
As all humans have done because they believe
My behaviour depicts my nature as unruly and mean
And I'm quite sure she will too, flee the scene.
But the girl only resumes her former attention,
Reading as though there'd been no intervention.
I relax a little as I begin to wonder about why
She hasn't left me alone with a hasty goodbye.
Why she is still here I can't comprehend.
I'm starting to hope for a different trend
Than the one I've been living based in fear.
Can I really trust this human sitting here?
Though puzzled, perplexed, and confused no doubt,
Taking command, my curious nature pushes fear out.
Again, I move slowly towards the girl who's seated,
Convincing myself by fear I won't be defeated.
But this time and although I'm just inches away,
Reading still, no attention on me does she pay.
How can she not know I'm standing so near?
Perhaps, she's expecting the same to reappear
Like before after her being to me kind and sweet,
Because of fear, I made a quick and hasty retreat.
How do I tell her I won't again act as before,
That it's her attention I wish to only implore?
Her attention for, how long must I wait?
Will my fear return too large to abate?
Her munching on apples and carrots sliced
Has peeked my interest, has me very enticed.
I muster the courage and nuzzle her book
And finally she of me then takes a look.
She puts to her mouth what mine's watering for,
Again the munching I've heard often before.
Can't she see I'm wanting, hoping for too
What she is savouring with every chew?
She acknowledges my presence again with a smile,
As I witness her demeanor of a gentle style.
As she took from a bag another two pieces,
My desire then swells, greatly increases.
She popped one in her mouth, began to chew
And as she looked at me, smiling, too.
Then she offered to my delight and glee
The other slice and so pleasing to me.
As I lipped the treat gently from her hand,
A bond was forming, I'd soon understand.
As she spoke softly in a calm, quiet voice,
It was a moment I'd treasure, in, always rejoice.
Instead of reading her book, she'd been reading me,
Searching to find to my heart, the unlocking key.
She made no advances, just stayed in her seat
And continued to give me treat after treat.
When the apples and carrots were finished and gone,
She slowly stood up with a sigh and a yawn.
As she clutched her book and folded her chair,
She spoke softly to me with a voice of care.
"I must leave you now, but I shall return,
For about each other, there's much to learn."
As she slipped through the door, I felt sad,
But with the hope she'd return, made me glad,
For there was inside me a new ray of hope.
Waiting for her next visit, I knew I could cope.
The next day arrived and with dawn's first beam
I wondered if The Visit had been only a dream.
The morning passed slowly, as did the afternoon.
Then evening came and brought with, the rising moon.
My hope was fading fast along with the day.
Then as my heart was sinking, I heard her say.
"So sorry I'm late, but my word I'm keeping,
For I must do so for my restful sleeping."
She had no book, no chair, just a bag of treats,
More apples and carrots, nature's own sweets.
Her presence I knew then was genuine and real
And I can't describe how elated she made me feel.
She opened and slipped inside my door.
I nickered a greeting I'd not done before.
As she gave me a treat, my neck she stroked
And for the first time, I felt joy invoked.
Inside of me there was not an ounce of fear.
This human's kindness to me is crystal clear.
For days she came just to visit with me,
And I looked forward for her face to see.
Each day she came she brought some treats
And I'd nicker softly to her upon our greets.
Though I didn't understand all her chatter,
With her petting me gently, it didn't matter.
Days turned into weeks, then into months on end,
With her wavering not from the start of this trend.
Each new step we took throughout my retraining,
Her gentle and kind way kept on remaining.
The fear and distrust that once humans created,
Another human's heart of Love removed, vacated.
We work together, my aim is to please;
We play together, I'm always at ease.
We go on adventures, explore together.
She needs not for me a rope or tether.
My world has changed into one that's bright,
Even sunny and cheerful in the dark of night.
My name is still Lemon, but now with 'Ade',
Since I'm no longer bitter, sour, afraid.
Having been sweetened now ever so much
Through kindness and caring, a Loving touch,
My 'tude's adjusted with a much better perspective,
But with trusting humans, I'm careful, selective.
As for the girl, my human best friend,
For her patience and Love that helped me mend,
I'll always be grateful, loyal, and true,
For releasing me from the prison I knew.
Though all my bad memories cannot be ever erased,
I'm flooded with good ones, she has in me placed.
💗 Have a blessed day! 💗
Poem by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly
©2018-09-04 16:17:00 (EDT)
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"Have a blessed day; count your blessings, every one,
As your day begins, throughout, and when your day is done."
~ Artsieladie Poetic Quote