Howdy folks! ♥
In America...
"We have no longer a government by and for The People,
But a government of wolves to make us ALL sheeple."
~ Quote by Artsieladie ♥
For further reading: "Behold A Pale Horse" (1991) by Milton William Cooper, formerly of the CIA, who was murdered for knowing too much. His book can be read here:
Far too many Americans are settling for and accepting the belief that the heinous cruelties of persecution of the people of a country cannot happen here in America. "Self perceived infallibility is the prerequisite of fallibility coming to fruition." (Artsieladie quote) In other words when we believe we are infallible, we then make ourselves vulnerable to fallibility. When we allow ourselves to be lulled into a 'false sense of security', we're in trouble. I can see how America is sliding downhill and this country has been now for many years.
Elitist puppets in both political parties run our government. They're bribed and/or blackmailed into serving the elite. Why do you think lobbying is allowed in America? It's "legalized bribery" of our political puppets, plain and simple. It requires little thinking to realize big, zionist controlled corporations put up millions of dollars to persuade the puppet politicians to vote in 'their favour'. So, how exactly can this benefit the American People? ..And there's such a big-to-do going on about Russia 'supposedly' interfering in our elections? But it's okay for Saudi Arabia leaders to "buy clinton", a zionist rothschild puppet with obama being owned by soros.
President Trump is the fly in the elitist ointment and this is why he's the target he is and the zionist controlled mainstream media is doing all it can to bring down Trump. The elitist zionists are rip snorting furious that he became president because puppet clinton was to put the finishing touches on what puppet obama laid out and put into motion.
Therefore, such puppets have no interest in what's best for America and the American People, because they are serving the "deep seat elite", the zionists who operate under the umbrella of Judaism, and they do so, so anyone who speaks out against them can then be accused of antisemitism. It's to give the zionists an added layer of protection, helping them to carry out their wicked and greedy plots and schemes without resistance.
Straight from the horse's mouth as the saying goes. Anti-zionism is NOT anti-semitism.
Miko Peled, the son of the late Israeli general Mattityahu Peled, proclaims that the Zionist leaders of Israel are not Jewish.
Miko Peled is an Israeli writer and activist and the author of “The General’s Son: Journey of an Israeli in Palestine.”
Miko Peled has proclaimed that, “Israel is a racist criminal state that uses “security” as an excuse to murder innocent Palestinians and assassinate Palestinian political leaders, intellectuals and clergy. This has been going on for over six decades.”
I have absolutely nothing against the Israeli/Jewish People nor do I have anything against ANY people of ANY nation, religious group, etc.. The people are not to be blamed for wicked zealots who've gained control through deceitfully manipulative practices for it's the people who inevitably fall prey to and become victims of the wicked's merciless exploitation of the people.
I'm aware there are many people around the world who harbour resentment towards Americans because of the actions of the U.S. government in other areas of the world. It's certainly understandable but at the same time, we Americans are not making the bad decisions culminating into the bad actions of our government. I think it's safe to say, most of what is carried out by our government around the world is unknown to the American People. I would also dare say, if Americans knew and had the power to stop the U.S.'s bad deeds, most would. I, for one, am mortified and appalled. You will not see or hear this American speak in favour of the U.S. government as it and is being run today. I will not be blinded to the wicked deeds or to the wicked, zionist puppets in charge.
It's imperative that the blame be placed in the proper, right places and with ones who are responsible, so the proper and just accountability can be eventually made possible. If and/or when we blame the people, we misdirect blame and in so doing, we allow the actual criminals to get away with their atrocities and ultimately, we then make the faultless at fault. Nothing can ever get fixed or changed for the better by allowing ourselves to accept lies and by misplacing blame. The ones responsible are the ones to be made and held accountable.
Also, when we blame peoples, we then divide peoples, and through this division, we are all weakened and more vulnerable to our common enemy, the elitists. "Divide and conquer" still works. Since what is and has been happening in America is not only happening here, but in almost every country in the world where the governments are under zionist control, especially through their banking systems, it's crucial that ALL peoples of the world unite and rise up against to prevent the zionist agenda, which is the New World Order (NWO).
For those who are unaware of this NWO agenda and/or what it really means, allow me to enlighten you, please. First, it's good to know the true mission and purpose of the United Nations. Most are likely still with the belief this organization is to bring and maintain peace "among nations". It may have been the original intention, but it's mission is really to bring all nations together under a "one-world government" to be tyrannically ruled over and controlled by the wicked, self serving zionists.
Anyone with even just a very basic education can comprehend that if such ever comes to fruition, all peoples everywhere in every nation will be doomed to being nothing more than 'expendable pawns/servants' of the wicked elite and there will be NO place on earth to go to seek refuge and safety, because the ENTIRE WORLD would be under zionist rule. Get the picture? Add in the fact that the zionists have a number of other wicked schemes up their sleeves, such as exterminating BILLIONS of peoples from the face of the earth, and it's driven home even more imperatively that we stop the zionists ASAP. This is why it is acutely imperative that the world of all peoples be awakened to the truth. The saying, "Truth will set you free" couldn't be more true than it is right now, for it IS the truth that WILL set and keep us ALL free!
"Wolves As Sheep"
(image pending)
Beware of wolves who among us creep,
Cloaked, disguised as harmless sheep.
Beware of their schemes, 'sounding' right,
For their ultimate agenda is hidden from sight.
Don't be fooled, lulled into believing
For their plan is wicked, very deceiving.
They work covertly, undetected
To make us believe we are protected.
But the only ones they care about
Is themselves, their kind, have no doubt.
They revel in hatred, creating despair,
Watch with delight, as the pain we bear.
They seek ways to gain our trust,
While to them, we're just specs of dust.
Expendable pawns for elimination
Are we, the people, of our American nation.
They use our blood to paint tragedies,
Instilling fear through gross fallacies,
To make us surrender our own defense,
While they gain more ground at our expense.
Achieve their goal of supreme control
Over ALL the people, every last soul,
Is their ultimate plan we're not to know,
Until it's too late for us to overthrow.
We must become totally dependent
Upon our enemy as our defendant.
Into complete submission is the plan
Of every woman, child, and every man.
Our government of thieves and crooks,
Who for their master, cook the books,
Rob us blind of our money and health,
While they collect, increase their wealth.
We're daily poisoned in our hearts and mind,
Drugged to keep us numb and blind.
While mainstream media to honour their pledges,
Drives and carves deep, hateful wedges.
Our bodies are riddled with disease to spare,
Through our food, our water, and our air.
Our children are trained, of values, drained,
Groomed to conform to submission, chained.
Our government is our enemy, number one,
And so, our enemy wants every gun.
They're starting out small, but make no mistake,
It's ALL our weapons they desire to take!
Level the playing field and keep it so
And our enemy we'll then keep in tow.
But should we allow our government the upper hand,
No more on freedoms' soil will we stand.
Remember the lives, the strong and the brave,
Who've fought and sacrificed for America, to save.
It is OUR duty to guard and protect, hold on tight
To our freedoms died for and our EVERY right.
Should we forfeit our weapons, allow confiscation,
We'll desecrate the sacrifices for our great nation
And our day of doom we will then etch in stone,
But the ink shall run as the blood of our own.
We cannot afford to be complacent, naive;
To rest on our laurels, while they retrieve
From us our strength, our power to fight,
As they obtain cunningly ALL the might.
We can't afford to be ignorant, lacking in knowledge,
To be brainwashed by lies, the wicked's college.
We must be vigilant, only truth demand
And for the truth only, united, stand.
Yes, in America it CAN happen here,
Change our land of freedom to a land of fear,
If we're complacent, naive, apathetic, asleep,
While the Wolves As Sheep among us creep.
An excellent documentary video to watch. Warning: It has graphic content but our eyes NEED TO BE 'opened'. History has a way of repeating itself when we don't learn the lessons it teaches us and America's turn is coming, unless we take unified action against it...
💗 Have a blessed day! 💗
Poem by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly
©2018-02-18 09:36:00 (EST)
All rights reserved.
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"Have a blessed day; count your blessings, every one,
As your day begins, throughout, and when your day is done."
~ Artsieladie Poetic Quote
In America...
"We have no longer a government by and for The People,
But a government of wolves to make us ALL sheeple."
~ Quote by Artsieladie ♥
For further reading: "Behold A Pale Horse" (1991) by Milton William Cooper, formerly of the CIA, who was murdered for knowing too much. His book can be read here:
Far too many Americans are settling for and accepting the belief that the heinous cruelties of persecution of the people of a country cannot happen here in America. "Self perceived infallibility is the prerequisite of fallibility coming to fruition." (Artsieladie quote) In other words when we believe we are infallible, we then make ourselves vulnerable to fallibility. When we allow ourselves to be lulled into a 'false sense of security', we're in trouble. I can see how America is sliding downhill and this country has been now for many years.
Elitist puppets in both political parties run our government. They're bribed and/or blackmailed into serving the elite. Why do you think lobbying is allowed in America? It's "legalized bribery" of our political puppets, plain and simple. It requires little thinking to realize big, zionist controlled corporations put up millions of dollars to persuade the puppet politicians to vote in 'their favour'. So, how exactly can this benefit the American People? ..And there's such a big-to-do going on about Russia 'supposedly' interfering in our elections? But it's okay for Saudi Arabia leaders to "buy clinton", a zionist rothschild puppet with obama being owned by soros.
President Trump is the fly in the elitist ointment and this is why he's the target he is and the zionist controlled mainstream media is doing all it can to bring down Trump. The elitist zionists are rip snorting furious that he became president because puppet clinton was to put the finishing touches on what puppet obama laid out and put into motion.
Therefore, such puppets have no interest in what's best for America and the American People, because they are serving the "deep seat elite", the zionists who operate under the umbrella of Judaism, and they do so, so anyone who speaks out against them can then be accused of antisemitism. It's to give the zionists an added layer of protection, helping them to carry out their wicked and greedy plots and schemes without resistance.
Straight from the horse's mouth as the saying goes. Anti-zionism is NOT anti-semitism.
Miko Peled, the son of the late Israeli general Mattityahu Peled, proclaims that the Zionist leaders of Israel are not Jewish.
Miko Peled is an Israeli writer and activist and the author of “The General’s Son: Journey of an Israeli in Palestine.”
Miko Peled has proclaimed that, “Israel is a racist criminal state that uses “security” as an excuse to murder innocent Palestinians and assassinate Palestinian political leaders, intellectuals and clergy. This has been going on for over six decades.”
I have absolutely nothing against the Israeli/Jewish People nor do I have anything against ANY people of ANY nation, religious group, etc.. The people are not to be blamed for wicked zealots who've gained control through deceitfully manipulative practices for it's the people who inevitably fall prey to and become victims of the wicked's merciless exploitation of the people.
I'm aware there are many people around the world who harbour resentment towards Americans because of the actions of the U.S. government in other areas of the world. It's certainly understandable but at the same time, we Americans are not making the bad decisions culminating into the bad actions of our government. I think it's safe to say, most of what is carried out by our government around the world is unknown to the American People. I would also dare say, if Americans knew and had the power to stop the U.S.'s bad deeds, most would. I, for one, am mortified and appalled. You will not see or hear this American speak in favour of the U.S. government as it and is being run today. I will not be blinded to the wicked deeds or to the wicked, zionist puppets in charge.
It's imperative that the blame be placed in the proper, right places and with ones who are responsible, so the proper and just accountability can be eventually made possible. If and/or when we blame the people, we misdirect blame and in so doing, we allow the actual criminals to get away with their atrocities and ultimately, we then make the faultless at fault. Nothing can ever get fixed or changed for the better by allowing ourselves to accept lies and by misplacing blame. The ones responsible are the ones to be made and held accountable.
Also, when we blame peoples, we then divide peoples, and through this division, we are all weakened and more vulnerable to our common enemy, the elitists. "Divide and conquer" still works. Since what is and has been happening in America is not only happening here, but in almost every country in the world where the governments are under zionist control, especially through their banking systems, it's crucial that ALL peoples of the world unite and rise up against to prevent the zionist agenda, which is the New World Order (NWO).
For those who are unaware of this NWO agenda and/or what it really means, allow me to enlighten you, please. First, it's good to know the true mission and purpose of the United Nations. Most are likely still with the belief this organization is to bring and maintain peace "among nations". It may have been the original intention, but it's mission is really to bring all nations together under a "one-world government" to be tyrannically ruled over and controlled by the wicked, self serving zionists.
Anyone with even just a very basic education can comprehend that if such ever comes to fruition, all peoples everywhere in every nation will be doomed to being nothing more than 'expendable pawns/servants' of the wicked elite and there will be NO place on earth to go to seek refuge and safety, because the ENTIRE WORLD would be under zionist rule. Get the picture? Add in the fact that the zionists have a number of other wicked schemes up their sleeves, such as exterminating BILLIONS of peoples from the face of the earth, and it's driven home even more imperatively that we stop the zionists ASAP. This is why it is acutely imperative that the world of all peoples be awakened to the truth. The saying, "Truth will set you free" couldn't be more true than it is right now, for it IS the truth that WILL set and keep us ALL free!
Beware of wolves who among us creep,
Cloaked, disguised as harmless sheep.
Beware of their schemes, 'sounding' right,
For their ultimate agenda is hidden from sight.
Don't be fooled, lulled into believing
For their plan is wicked, very deceiving.
They work covertly, undetected
To make us believe we are protected.
But the only ones they care about
Is themselves, their kind, have no doubt.
They revel in hatred, creating despair,
Watch with delight, as the pain we bear.
They seek ways to gain our trust,
While to them, we're just specs of dust.
Expendable pawns for elimination
Are we, the people, of our American nation.
They use our blood to paint tragedies,
Instilling fear through gross fallacies,
To make us surrender our own defense,
While they gain more ground at our expense.
Achieve their goal of supreme control
Over ALL the people, every last soul,
Is their ultimate plan we're not to know,
Until it's too late for us to overthrow.
We must become totally dependent
Upon our enemy as our defendant.
Into complete submission is the plan
Of every woman, child, and every man.
Our government of thieves and crooks,
Who for their master, cook the books,
Rob us blind of our money and health,
While they collect, increase their wealth.
We're daily poisoned in our hearts and mind,
Drugged to keep us numb and blind.
While mainstream media to honour their pledges,
Drives and carves deep, hateful wedges.
Our bodies are riddled with disease to spare,
Through our food, our water, and our air.
Our children are trained, of values, drained,
Groomed to conform to submission, chained.
Our government is our enemy, number one,
And so, our enemy wants every gun.
They're starting out small, but make no mistake,
It's ALL our weapons they desire to take!
Level the playing field and keep it so
And our enemy we'll then keep in tow.
But should we allow our government the upper hand,
No more on freedoms' soil will we stand.
Remember the lives, the strong and the brave,
Who've fought and sacrificed for America, to save.
It is OUR duty to guard and protect, hold on tight
To our freedoms died for and our EVERY right.
Should we forfeit our weapons, allow confiscation,
We'll desecrate the sacrifices for our great nation
And our day of doom we will then etch in stone,
But the ink shall run as the blood of our own.
We cannot afford to be complacent, naive;
To rest on our laurels, while they retrieve
From us our strength, our power to fight,
As they obtain cunningly ALL the might.
We can't afford to be ignorant, lacking in knowledge,
To be brainwashed by lies, the wicked's college.
We must be vigilant, only truth demand
And for the truth only, united, stand.
Yes, in America it CAN happen here,
Change our land of freedom to a land of fear,
If we're complacent, naive, apathetic, asleep,
While the Wolves As Sheep among us creep.
An excellent documentary video to watch. Warning: It has graphic content but our eyes NEED TO BE 'opened'. History has a way of repeating itself when we don't learn the lessons it teaches us and America's turn is coming, unless we take unified action against it...
"Spread Love, not hate,
for it is Love the zionist elite
cannot tolerate!"
Blog (here):
As your day begins, throughout, and when your day is done."
~ Artsieladie Poetic Quote

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