Friday, April 13, 2018


Howdy folks! 

To be able to fall in Love with another person, one has to allow themselves to be vulnerable to the other person, but if the other person is displaying behaviour, triggering a distrust alarm, then the potential for Love to even germinate will likely not come to fruition because the most important element with Love is TRUST. Love cannot survive nor thrive without trust. People who play mind games, send mixed signals, aren't truthful, etc., are likely to find themselves either without someone to Love them or in unhealthy, unhappy relationships 'said to be Love' relationships, but really aren't. 

"If It Was Safe To Love You"
(image pending

If It Was Safe To Love You, I would with all my heart,
With body, mind, and soul; with each and every part.
If It Was Safe To Love You, I'd tear down my wall,
If I thought for a moment I could allow myself to fall
In Love with you knowing too, you feel the same way
And I wouldn't be to you just another game to play.

If It Was Safe To Love You, on your side I would be,
Where together, life's woes we could face, you and me.
If It Was Safe To Love You, you'd have my understanding,
Rather than my criticism, my doubt in you's demanding.
My support you'd have, for in you I could then believe,
Knowing you wouldn't be seeking only ways to deceive.

If It Was Safe To Love You, your happiness would be
And too, would be your dreams, all paramount to me.
If It Was Safe To Love You, I'd always have your back;
I'd feel not like your enemy you could any time attack
And on the same side, the world, together we'd be facing,
Not opposing courses, separately in pursuance of and chasing.

If It Was Safe To Love You, obstacles we'd together, meet,
And together we would become a force impossible to beat.
If It Was Safe To Love You, you wouldn't ever be alone,
And all your inner feelings would be as guarded as my own.
All your deepest secrets would then be mine to keep,
My loyalty and devotion would forbid my lips to peep.

If It Was Safe To Love You, I would with all my heart,
With body, mind, and soul; with each and every part.
But it's not safe to Love you, to let my guard down,
To allow myself to trust you and award you the crown.
Since two different pictures, you always paint to show,
Which is real and which is fake, I can't ever know.

💗 Have a blessed day! ðŸ’—
Poem by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly 
©2018-04-13 01:39:00 (EDT)
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Graphic pen by Artsieladie

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"Have a blessed day; count your blessings, every one,
As your day begins, throughout, and when your day is done."
~ Artsieladie Poetic Quote
Art by Artsieladie

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