Sunday, July 5, 2015


Greetings everyone, from Artsieladie!

Too often when we say we are listening we aren't really because while the other is speaking we're thinking about what we're going to say when they're finished speaking. This isn't 'really' listening.

When we listen, truly listen, our minds are open to receive, to gain knowledge and/or information. When we speak, we are then or should be giving out knowledge and/or information. But we can't give out and receive at the same time or at least not in full capacity. Therefore, both are compromised in some way when we try to do both at the same time.

When we speak/reply 'honestly', we don't have to be creative with our reply, therefore give our reply a lot of thought. Only if we're going to fib and/or "bend the truth" do we need extra time to figure out what we will say and usually because we are thinking about how what we say will be received, whether or not it will be believed. Truth is truth, constant and unchanging, and speaks for itself, needs neither dressing up or down.

"When we speak the truth, how it's received,
We need not worry if it's believed." ~ Artsieladie Quote

"Listen Vs Speak"

We listen to learn,
Not for to reply;
Speak to share truth
And not to lie.
There's a time for each,
But time unshared;
Both to be done,
Because we've cared.

Poem by Artsieladie / Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly
©2015-03-29 12:40:00 (EST) 
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