Sunday, July 5, 2015


Greetings everyone, from Artsieladie!

Beauty on the outside may be only skin deep,
While beauty on the inside is beauty then to keep.
~ Artsieladie Quote

"Plain Jane"

I'm a basic type of person, very down to earth,
Important things in life taught to me from birth.
Materialistic things, few I am in need of,
But to me the Most Precious Gift is the Gift of Love.

I'm not interested in living in the lap of luxury,
Simplistic I prefer and most pleases me.
If you have a mansion in the vale or on the hill,
It will not impress me nor favour with me, till.

Flowers are lovely, pretty, and so nice,
But picked wild flowers will more than suffice.
For I'd much rather be given a flower from the wild crop,
Than an expensive bouquet bought from a flower shop.

When it comes to cards, hand made are the best,
Fanciness not necessary, just one's heart to invest.
A note written simply stating how one does feel,
Over a card bought has a much warmer appeal.

Lavish jewelry, eh, I have no desire for,
Just unnecessary items for outward decor.
I prefer cultivating the beauty from within,
Integrity of character is my discipline.

What is on the outside is in accordance with,
How beautiful is the inside, real or a myth?
The outside may have beauty, the inside not so much,
If there dwells a cold heart with no warmth to touch.

To please me takes so little, I'm easily joyed,
But there are a few things that must be deployed,
Like Truth and Honesty, one must my Trust earn
And one will then have from me the same in return.

I am very patient as well as understanding,
Afford me the chance to, to receive no reprimanding.
Agreement's not paramount for understanding to take place,
Life lessons of my own remind me forgiveness to embrace.

I reap joy and happiness from not just of mine alone,
But also the joy of others adds to, replenishes my own.
I am easy to please with just a few things I expect,
Money is not relevant but most definitely is respect.

My needs are very basic, my wants, desires few,
I'm very resourceful, have learned well to make do,
But I am not complaining, perish please such thought,
I am very easy to please but I can never, ever be bought!

Poem/quote by Artsieladie / Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly
©2015-04-04 15:31:00 (EST) 
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