Saturday, June 27, 2015


Greetings everyone, from Artsieladie!

If we were to think about it, should there be the notion,
We'd realise we're a summary evolving and in motion.

"Summary Of Us"

Who we are on this day is a summary of thus far
Of those who've influenced us, a summary of we are.
As we go through life, we become a melting pot,
Some experiences awesome and some sadly not.

Yes, there are lessons learned indeed along the way
And there'll be many more with every added day.
But of all we experience throughout our entire life,
The pleasantries and those that have caused us strife,
Life is made worthwhile by our beloved friends,
Who along ride with us around the curves and bends
And then there are the bumps, where sometimes we lose,
Someone dear to us but we wouldn't, didn't to, choose.

Who we really are is a little bit of every one,
We carry along with us through every day done.
We are not just ourselves but many the summary of
With the very best of us from all those we Love.

Poem by Artsieladie / Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly
©2015-04-20 07:16:00 (EST) 
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Graphic pen by Artsieladie

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