Saturday, May 16, 2015


Greetings all, from Artsieladie!

Graphics art by Artsieladie


Mistakes, we all make them, no one is exempt,
But they only lessen us if we try and attempt
To refuse acknowledgment, make claim of them, avoid,
When our ego and its pride has launched and been deployed,
Using justification tactics convincing ourselves to believe
Accountability isn't needed to be bothered with, conceive.

But Mistakes are life's way of teaching us important lessons
And they bring into focus gratefulness for our many blessin's.
As well, Mistakes help us to keep our egos in check, subdued,
Reminding us we're not infallible so our humility stays renewed.

But Mistakes made can't help us if we, when making them, deny
And then wiggle out of accountability by using excuses to justify.
Our ego and its pride will prevent us from acknowledgment,
Shutting out humbleness, preventing us to make atonement.

There is a price to us, a cost that we must pay
When we listen to and allow our ego into play.
Instead of us being able to clear us from our mistake,
Without accountability for, guilt will us then overtake.

We will be a slave to our ego then, placed under its control,
While the chains of guilt imprison our precious heart and soul.
Guilt doesn't leave us until we, ourselves become humbled
And admit to our Mistakes for the guilt to then be crumbled.

There also is a cost so great for our character is diminished,
Until we are accountable, our respectability is finished,
For there can be had none, no integrity, honour, or respect
For one who, for their Mistakes, responsibility they reject.

But on the flip side, there is great reward to be had,
When we acknowledge our Mistakes, not only are we glad
To be relieved of the burden that guilt upon us lays,
But we gain back our character pluses in so many ways.

When we admit to our Mistakes, our respectability's back in place,
Empowering us with knowing we have the courage then to face
Anything that may tempt us wrongly, that may cause us to fear or dread,
We're blessed knowing our strength and courage for days that lie ahead.

"Life's about learning lessons, many taught through our Mistakes,
But lessons can't be learned until acknowledgment for, one makes.
Only when we acknowledge our Mistakes and for them confess,
Do we learn and note the lesson to improve ourselves, progress."

Poem and quote with, by Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly 
©2015-05-06 08:36:00 (EST) All rights reserved.
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Graphics art by Artsieladie

Art by Artsieladie


  1. Love your new graphics m'lady. They add a nice touch to your blog posts. You are so talented. I wish I had a tenth of your talent. You're artistic, a great writer and poet and a musician. We should all be this fortunate. At least Mr. Spy won't be able to get his grubby fingers on your new graphics to hold them hostage. haha ♥

  2. Thank you handsome. :) I believe everyone is gifted in some way or ways but it's up to each of us to find out how we are and then pursue it. "When we learn to do things, we can learn to do them well, but when we pursue what we Love to do, we then will excel." ~ Artsieladie Quote.

    ..And good point. haha My graphics are so much better now thanks to you for giving me my HD monitor so I can see so much better what I'm doing. He has the mediocre stuff. That's all. ;) ♥


Constructive feedback comments, questions, and suggestions always welcome. ♥